Prince of Darkness (1987) – Synchro-Silly Mystic Analysis

Jay's Analysis
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By: Jay Dyer

John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness (1987) makes up the second film in his “Apocalypse Trilogy,” preceded by The Thing, and followed by In the Mouth of Madness.  The plot to Prince of Darkness is so wacky and over the top, it bears analyzing, as well as the rest of the trilogy (which we will eventually get to).  In this 80s treasure, Carpenter treats us to a blender mix of faith meeting reason, quantum physics, Satanism and Gnosticism in one massive smorgasbord, guaranteed to satiate the campiest palate.

Added bonus – writer “Martin Quatermass” is none other than John Carpenter himself giving a nod to the British science fiction series classic, Professor Quatermass.  Double double bonus – school may be out for Summer, but detention is just beginning, as Alice Cooper is featured as…
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