THIS Is Why Our Politicians Bow Down To Criminal Jewish Elitists: Pedophiles In Our Governments - Australian 60 Minutes Report Exposes Massive Government Pedophilia Ring In United Kingdom!

I have long puzzled as to WHY our so called "elected officials" never ever answer to the very constituents that constantly select them to run our governments.... It has long been shown here and elsewhere in the real truth movement that our governments are not our own and absolutely do everything at all times to bow down to their Jewish masters and care not about their own people or their own nations... It has been so disgusting to watch and I have long wondered what kind of control the criminal bastards have over these people that they will sell out their own nation and national interests for the criminal Jewish elitists..I have put up several articles here at this blog exposing the reality that the so called "royals" that run the United Kingdom are nothing more than mass murdering freaks of nature and even the so called "Queen" herself is not only a murderer but has long run a pedophile ring that has murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent children... But what I found out about the members of the British Parliament and the so called Members of Parliament and how they are also involved in massive pedophile rings is so revolting, and deserves our attention....Right now, I want to present a most important video that was produced by the Australian 60 Minutes show almost a year ago, that absolutely blows wide open the fact that the British government and their so called "elected officials" have been involved in a massive pedophile ring that has involved hundreds if not thousands of innocent children over decades at least.... The findings in this video are so disgusting that I found it so hard to watch... I therefore want to put a warning out to my own readers about this video before you watch it, for it is shocking to behold... Here is that video, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Here is a reality check... NONE of our so called "elected" officials ever achieve office unless they bow down to criminal Jewish interests.. And the reason is clear, for these Jewish "elitists" have something terrible to hold like a loaded gun to their heads....The facts are that almost all of these "elected" officials in not only the UK but in fact right here in Canada and in the United States, have massive "skeletons in their closets" that the Jewish criminal elitists absolutely know fully about and will use against them if they ever refuse to "tow the line" and bow down to their Jewish masters' interests and demands....What this video shows is actually just a "drop in the bucket" and the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" as almost every government on this planet is indeed hijacked by their members involvement in depraved activities... I can guarantee that this pedophile ring in the UK is not isolated to the UK itself...What is also disgusting about the findings exposed in this video is that since the Aussie 60 minute expose, very little has been done in the UK to this date to see these disgusting "human beings" be brought up on charges for their involvement with young children... I can guarantee that the pedophile rings in the UK are still going strong to this day and these criminals are still getting away with such a disgusting act and even murder....Well there you have it..... The reality is once again that our governments have long been hijacked and are under the firm control of the Jewish "elite" that has a loaded gun to their heads through their disgusting criminal activities including pedophilia..... I again cannot put it any more simpler for people to understand that  it seems that the only way to get into high levels of politics, elected officials must have horrible "skeletons" in their closets including homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.... And that is absolutely how they are controlled by these same Jewish interests...More to comeNTS