Torture in Yemen

Defense officials in the United States admit they participate in a brutal and illegal torture program set-up by the United Arab Emirates in southern Yemen. The program is a direct violation of the International Convention Against Torture and constitutes a war crime. On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the role the United States has played in expanding and normalizing the practice of torture while claiming plausible deniability by outsourcing brutality to contractors. A Senate report on the CIA torture program reveals that in 2008, 85 percent of the workforce in the CIA’s Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Group was made up of contractors. This represents the corporatization and globalization of torture. It also makes war crimes and crimes against humanity a profitable business.
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Show Notes
In Yemen’s secret prisons, UAE tortures and US interrogates
US Ignores Allies’ Torture in Yemen
Instead of prosecuting torturers, Obama prosecuted the guy who revealed the program
Obama did not end torture
'Torture Report': A Closer Look At When And What President Bush Knew
US Media Ignores CIA Cover-up on Torture
Obama's Legal Team Copies Bush's 'State Secrets' Trick to Cover Up Torture and Renditions
How We Outsourced CIA Torture And Why It Matters
How the CIA Outsourced Torture
Ex-CIA Contractor on Trial in Beating
New CIA Documents Reveal More Horrors of President Bush's Torture Program
Abu Ghraib lawsuits against CACI, Titan (now L-3)