This Is Not A Joke: Insane Israeli Media Blames Putin For Syria's Decision To Defend Itself Against Illegal Israeli Airstrikes!

Just the other day I put up an article where I showed that with the US and Israel now losing their nice little war in Syria, these criminals are now trying to raise the stakes once more with their attacks on civilians as in the Mosque attack outside of Aleppo city, as well as the Israelis attacking Syrian government forces along the corridor to the regained city of Palmyra....  These attacks were indeed brutal and acts of unmitigated aggression... And especially since the attack on the Syrian government forces near Palmyra by the criminal Israelis, the Russians as well as the Syrians have been seeking a serious explanation for that attack directly from the psychotic Israeli government...Well, lo and behold, but the psychos in Israel have been trying since that air strike yesterday to find excuses for that act of war and of course to try to blame others for their act of aggression... And according to the following article from the Russia Insider website, at, apparently the equally psychotic Jew spew media in Israel itself has had the gall to blame Russia and especially Vladimir Putin for their attack on the Syrian government forces... Yes, here is the link to THAT article here, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I had to read this several times over myself before I realized that this is NO joke.. Yes, the Israelis are truly this sick and mentally retarded that they have had the nerve to try to blame the Russians, and especially Vladimir Putin, for their attack on Russia's ally, Syria!So... Apparently the Israelis have NO excuses for their attack what so ever, and they are trying this twisted ploy of blaming those who they attack for their attack?  This is so bent and so sickening...And notice the 'word play' by the sick Israeli Haaretz publication that these monsters claim that Syria has "changed the rules of the game" and thus has "allowed" the Israelis to conduct murderous strikes against their forces.... How sick and mentally bent are these people???And let me get this straight then... In the topsy turvy sicko world of Israeli thinking, it is ok for THEM to go ahead and bomb anyone that they want, and if the people being attacked actually defend themselves then they are showing a "lack of restraint"?    I for one wonder what planet these monsters are on, for they are NOT on planet Earth with this type of twisted logic...Therefore it should be obvious.. The Israelis have no excuses for their attacks in Syria, and will probably continue these attacks for the foreseeable future... And they will probably continue to scream that somehow Putin has "betrayed Israel" as well while they conduct these attacks....   Pathetic is putting it mildly here...This reminds me of what someone told me a while ago, about how "An Israeli cries in pain as he is hitting you with a bat!"It is my hope that the Russians do indeed put an end to Israel's aggression and take action against these monsters.....And the Syrians have every right to continue shooting down these bastards over their own sovereign territory...More to comeNTS