More Exposing Of NASA's Space Lies: Report States Cancer Causing Radiation Biggest Threat To Humans On Deep Space Missions

I first discovered how badly the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were a bunch of bold faced liars way back in 1979 when I was told the absolute truth that the Apollo missions to the moon were nothing but a massive fraud, con, and swindle on the American people and the world... Since that rude awakening for myself, I have discovered more and more facts about NASA's lies about their 'space exploits" and the fact that almost ALL of their "missions" have in fact been nothing but frauds...The problem with getting anyone to the moon, and even beyond, has always been radiation in outer space.... Humans are indeed frail beings and our bodies can not absorb even the smallest amounts of radiation.... And yes, interstellar space outside of our protective atmosphere is full of radioactive particles... The only way we can ever progress as a species outside of our own planet is to properly shield ourselves from these dangerous particles...  And lo and behold, but NASA did NOT protect our supposed "astronauts" from this deadly danger during the alleged Apollo flights to the moon... Therefore once again I am calling Apollo for what it was, one of the biggest frauds in all of human history...One major issue that I have found especially appalling these days in regards to space travel are all the reports about plans to fly man NOT to the moon, but actually to the planet Mars... I say good luck to this one, for once again anyone that actually is gullible enough to think of going to Mars had better think again, for the present technology to protect anyone from radiation in space for such a flight to Mars still does NOT exist, and anyone attempting such an endeavour with today's woeful technology would very soon be dying from radiation poisoning while attempting that flight to Mars....Well, some truths about the dangers of radiation in space do get out from time to time, and right now I want to present the following report from the Sputnik News online news service, at, where apparently some researchers from the Wake Forest Institute have come forward and are warning that Cancer causing radiation in space is the biggest threat to humans on deep space missions, especially to Mars...  First, here is the link to that report here, and I have further comments to follow:, Again a reality check... I have to ask everyone about how amazing these researchers NOW come up with these reports, when supposedly there was "no problem" back in the 1960's to early 1970's with sending human beings to the moon... Can you all now see my point about how badly we have always been lied to about these alleged missions to the moon?  And does this not once again prove that we all were lied to about those missions?I have been asked so many times WHY I am against "space travel" and why I am so "negative" about NASA?   Well once again, I have no qualms against any space travel just as long as those astronauts are properly protected from the dangers of outer space and that their crafts are properly shielded from those dangers... That is why I have looked at NASA's Apollo missions closely and discovered that NONE of their space craft for those missions had any shielding at all... And for those who claim that thin Aluminum provides shielding?  Forget it, for Aluminum itself when bombarded by particles in the MeV or GeV range actually causes even more deadly secondary particles to be formed... Therefore Aluminum is one of the WORSE choices ever for space craft shielding.....  And to answer the second part about why am I so "negative" about NASA?  It should be obvious by now that I do not like being LIED to, and neither should anyone else.   NASA has always proven themselves to be both liars and disinformation.. Many call NASA "Never A Straight Answer" for good reasons...One other note... I once again am sick and tired of the Flat Earth numbskulls who have been trying to "hijack" the Apollo moon hoax research and have tried to have anyone who sees the frauds of NASA's space missions to be erroneously called "flat earthers"..... I absolutely despise these rejects and their pseudo-science that has no basis on fact,  and know that they are nothing but disinformation agents trying to ruin real research.... My advise to everyone again is to avoid these clowns like the plague...More to comeNTS