RIP Gary McHenry: A Eulogium

The troika. The triumvirate. The monumentally talented trio. The inimitable Gary McHenry is on the left. Tedd Webb and Jack Harris are to his left, respectively. (But certainly not politically.) These were the glory days of Tampa talk radio. Never equalled, never approximated since. 
This is history. Gary McHenry, Bob Lassiter and Bob Schuman. Three greats, all since passed. Lassiter was without peer, nonpareil. With a voice that could shatter wood. Singularly talented. A radio pioneer. Bob Schuman was a mensch. Jocular, always in a great mood. A man known for having a large enema bag dangling from his office ceiling like a Calder mobile. 
      mchenry - mchenry
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Listen for his laugh. A listener forwarded this to me. The quality is poor. You can hear the ubiquitous Tampa Bay area lightning storm yonder. This was just a moment of interplay. Unrehearsed and spontaneous with that beauteous laugh of Hay’s. That cachinnation that makes my soul smile. 
