Hijacking the Rhetoric

Photo: The Zionist ultimate goal of building Greater Israel in the geo-strategic and resources-rich Middle East to ultimately control the whole world.

Holocaust could be countered, neutralized and nullified with 100 million African slave victims of Jewish slave traders, 60 million Christian Russian victims of Jewish Communism, 8 million Holodomor, 1.5 million Armenian genocide, 15 million burnt German victims, and the still on-going Palestinian and Middle Eastern genocide.

Dr. Elias Akleh                                          Intifada-Palestine.com
What is in a word? Words have tremendous power. They convey ideas, human emotions and attitudes. One word alone can elicit various human reactions including hatred, rage, love, compassion … etc. A word can move the masses and push them to perform certain actions; to build, to destroy, to rejoice, to help and even to murder each other. Words had pushed nations into devastating wars. Antony’s famous speech to Romans had shifted their attitude against Brutus, who murdered Caesar, and led them to wars. Politicians make speeches to produce desired reactions from the masses. It was said, “A word is mightier than the sword”. On the other side of the coin the Bible starts with the mystical phrase:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God” (John 1:1)

Words are information, upon which Man makes vital life-changing decisions. Those, who possess the “Word”; media sources, can control the world. Since mid-twentieth century, there have been two distinct words; holocaust and anti-Semitism, that have shaped the behaviors of the Western World (Europe, America and Canada) producing devastating results on the Middle East. A third word; terrorism, was added recently to increase the devastation.
Through their aggressive wicked greedy two thousand years old usury system, the Jews had accumulated tremendous wealth and thus tremendous power. This power is exercised over nations through local central banks, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund (IMF) that are supervised, controlled and manipulated by the Zionist privately owned Federal Reserve in the US, where money is printed on worthless paper that are not backed by any real valuable assets.
Knowing very well the power of the spoken and printed word, Zionist Jews used their fake money to purchase media outlets; radio stations, newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, Television channels, movie industries, theatres and actors, song industry and singers, telecommunication corporations, and many internet service providers (ISPs). Through financial support, so-called charitable donations and even blatant bribery, they ensured control over educational systems, many churches, many mosques, government officials and even presidents. The aim, here, is to ensure that the Zionist words are the only words that are spreading around brainwashing the masses to push them into actualizing the Zionist ultimate goal of building Greater Israel in the geo-strategic and resources-rich Middle East to ultimately control the whole world.

Holocaust and anti-Semitism are the Zionist powerful tricks, as explained by a former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni, used to invoke sympathy, manipulate the masses, and to silence opposition and dissent. Although used in Europe and America, holocaust is mainly directed against European countries to blackmail the governments and to gain sympathy and support of the masses by invoking guilt feelings. Holocaust has become a mandatory educational curriculum taught in schools beginning with the elementary classes. Any historical research in the holocaust that deviates from the Zionist word, and any slight denial of the holocaust is considered by many European countries as a crime punishable by both heavy fines and imprisonment.
It is worth to note, here, that the word holocaust (shoah in Hebrew) means a sacrificial burned offering to God in the hope that God, in return, grants the people their wish. In other words, it is a bribe to God so that He would grant Jews, in this case, their alleged promised land. Jewish claim of a Jewish holocaust initially started in the 132 AD during what is called the Jewish Bar Kochba Revolt against Roman occupation of Palestine. The Talmud claims that the Romans wrapped 64 million Jewish teachers and their pupils in scrolls and burned them with fire (Gittin 58a). Holocaust stories kept popping up throughout history since then, but intensified during and after WWII era. The holocaust concept is based on Jewish prophecies in the Torah predicting that 6 million Jews must vanish before a state of Israel could be established.

Although the Holocaust fallacy has been exposed by many scientific researches such as Fred Leuchter; America’s leading specialist on homicidal gas chambers, Germar Rudolf expert on chemical and technical aspects of gas chambers, and Walter Luftl engineering specialist on gas chambers among others , and the number of the victims has been officially reduced, it is still narrated as is with still the debunked 6 million number. Through the Holocaust the Jews want to impress on our consciousness that they have been the unjustly persecuted victims throughout history because they don’t have a country of their own. They use the holocaust to justify their occupation and their theft of Palestine and their brutal massacres against the Palestinians.

The real holocaust was a holocaust against the Germans. An estimated 15 million Germans were killed during WWII, almost half were burned during the Allies aerial fire-bombing of every German city (Hellstorm documentary), and the other half were murdered or let die through starvation and exposure to the elements in Eisenhower’s largest open air death concentration prison camps. Burnt bodies claimed of Jewish gas victims were actually German victims of the fire-bombing raids. Not one single Jewish gas victim was found in all Germany (refuting Holocaust). Millions of German women (ages 10 -70 years old) were also brutally group-raped and murdered.
History tells us that the Jews had never been the victims but the victimizers. Their genocidal massacres will fill a long list and are too many to mention here. Suffice it to mention few genocides they perpetrated during the last century. What is called the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia has been dubbed The Secret Holocaust by historian Eustace Mullins. This revolution was led by Jews, who murdered between 66 – 100 million Christian Russians, and had destroyed their churches. These genocidal Russian crypto-Jews were also exposed by an article in the Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronot on December 12th, 2006 by Sever Plocker with the title of “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish”
One Russian crypto-Jew; Lazar Kaganovich, was responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people including the 8 million Ukrainians, who died in the Holodomor (Hunger Holocaust) in 1932/33. These holocausts were also detailed in depth by Frank Britton’s “Behind Communism”, Yuri Slezkine’s “Stalin’s Willing Executioners”, Rev. Denis Fahey’s “The Rulers of Russia”, and David Duke’s “The Secret Behind Communism”, just to mention few.

Turkish crypto-Jews; Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Ataturk), Tala’at Pasha, Djavid Bey and others, were also responsible for the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Read the thorough research of Christopher Jon Bjerknes “The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians” and watch the film here.
Jewish slave traders were responsible for the death of 100 million Africans while crossing the Atlantic ocean and at least the enslavement of the same number in the West (The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews; Historical Research Dept. Nation of Islam, 1991.)
The Jewish genocide of Palestinians has been going on since 1940’s. At least 33 massacres of Palestinian unarmed communities were perpetrated by the Jewish terrorist gangs even before any Arab army had entered the conflict. Ethnic cleansing, land theft, large scale imprisonment, starvation, and burning phosphorous bombing (Gaza Strip), daily murder and deliberate burning of churches, mosques, and even children and infants are on-going Palestinian holocaust (Shoah) religiously celebrated by Jews. A more comprehensive history of Jewish holocaustal crimes can be found here.
Anti-Semitism is another word used to shut up dissent and to manipulate the Western uninformed population. The Jews, themselves, are the worst anti-Semitic people. Their hatred is directed against the Semitic Middle Easter nations in general and against Palestinians in specific. The history of Jewish Israel was conceived, born and intertwined in anti-Semitism. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Jewish Zionism, which is just one cloak for Judaism, stated in his “Diaries” page 19 that “anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.” The Jews had routinely encouraged anti-Jewish crimes, and even committed these crimes against other Jews as false-flag attacks, in order to gain sympathy and to justify their own terror against other groups. 
It is estimated by many, including Jewish writer Arthur Koestler in his book “The Thirteenth Tribe” and Israeli history professor Shlomo Sand in his book “The Invention of the Jewish People”, that 90% of the Jews are Ashkenazi Jews; descendants of the non-Semitic converted Khazars. Regardless of such claims, if you walk into the streets of any Israeli city, such as Tel Aviv, you would encounter Israeli Jews from different races, different countries, and different colors; white, brown, black, blonde, yellow, European, American, African, Middle Eastern, and Indian, each speaks his own language besides revised modern Hebrew. Jews are not one race and are not Semitic. They are a multi-cultured and multi-racial Judaic-religious group.
These Jews, from all over the world, are united in the belief in a racist, supremacist, genocidal, terrorist theology with a racist, vengeful, jealous, warring, real estate agent god, who elevated the Jews above the rest of his creations as his chosen people, and order them to enslave and even murder all other non-Jews; Goyim, and promised them a piece of land (Palestine) as their heavenly reward.
This is an anti-Goyim religion. It sets Jews against all other nations. We only need to read their so-called holy books; the Talmud and the Torah to learn these undeniable teachings. The Jews consider all other nations; Goyim, animal souls created in human form, whose sole purpose in life is to serve and to entertain the Jews. We need only open our ears and our eyes to hear and to read the hateful anti-Goyim writings and speeches of their so-called prophets, their rabbis, and their political leaders.
As owners of Goyim cattle, (ownership given by their god), the Jews in every country have been abusing, manipulating, corrupting, and slaughtering their Goyim into wars including WWI, WWII, and present wars against global terror. Judaism gave the Jews the stories of Joseph in Egypt and  of Esther in Persia as examples on how to infiltrate empires, through deception and sexual seduction, in order to transfer wealth and power to their own people, to eliminate all oppositions, and eventually to destroy that empire through constant wars. The viciousness of their own genocidal prophets; Moses (Numbers 30), Samuel (Samuel 15), Elijah (Kings 19:40) among others have been the examples for Israeli leaders to follow.
Since the Roman Empire up to present day United States of America, crypto-Jews had infiltrated every empire, used their money to gain political power, stole the wealth of the country, and set Goyims to fight other Goyims; brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, one ethnic group against the other, one religion against the other, one sect against the other in the same religion, and one country against the other. The Jews, then, sell weapons and give high interest loans to both warring parties, while giggling with laughter watching Goyim kill Goyim for their amusement and financial profits.
Holocaust could be countered, neutralized and nullified with 100 million African slave victims of Jewish slave traders, 60 million Christian Russian victims of Jewish Communism, 8 million Holodomor, 1.5 million Armenian genocide, 15 million burnt German victims, and the still on-going Palestinian and Middle Eastern genocide.
Anti-Semitism, also, could easily countered and smashed with Judaic anti-Goyim.