LIONEL PODCAST: OKC Amnesia, Journalistic Torpor & Ruination of American Precepts

A concept you must understand. The gatekeeper. In my circles this word and term of art have significant meaning. It’s the concept of bottlenecking news and information and data or, better yet, the distraction and deflection of public awareness. Think rodeo clown: “Today in the USA, the job is split into two separate ones, hiring bullfighters who protect the riders from the bull, and entertainers, a barrelman and a clown, who provides [sic] comic humor.” The next time you watch any MSM news show, think this. Think the amusement, distraction and relief. The side show. Cutesy coiffed Ted Baxters with nary a clue as to anything remotely resembling relevance. Relief from thought and concern and worry. It knows all political directions and merges into the concept of narrowcasting versus broadcasting. The gatekeeper defines the goal even better and a very good introductory definition might be the following.

The causes of the Left gatekeeper phenomenon are, no doubt, complex. It may be that, because of their political marginalization, writers on the Left tend to be more defensive about their credibility. Furthermore, many Left publications are dependent on foundation funding, and those relationships may compromise objectivity on conscious and unconscious levels. It is also probable that many left icons are co-opted by covert disinformation programs such as Operation Mockingbird that target the Left media precisely because people expect challenges to the official story to come from that quarter.

But it gets even more complicated. Again, it’s not just the Left, it’s universal. In this podcast I provide a review that I commend to you including, inter alia, Dr. Oz and Big Pharma and Agra, OKC obfuscation even 20 years later and media distraction. And how journalism today thinks not like the police homicide detective but the PR stooge. And with it comes the concomitant rise in alternative and foreign media who believe in spending time with a story until it’s done. What a concept, huh?
You’re welcome.
