LIONEL PODCAST: Why the Professional Left Can’t Grasp the Horrors of Net Neutrality

They never acquired a fear of government. It’s inconceivable to them, so let me try it again. From the top. Here’s what you need to know about why net neutrality is a horrible thing. Governmental control is unnecessary. Let the free markets and competition and innovation and the consumers speak. This may sound a bit trite, usually the refrain heard from the free marketeers of the prototypical right, but its verity is without question. We must eliminate the knee-jerk patellar reflex response that government will fix any problem or inconvenience that we encounter. The society has become so habituated to Big Brother and his officious intermeddling that a new neural circuitry has been created. A circuitry that not only tolerates but demands that government swoop in and involve itself with every aspect of our existence. Remember, we are asking for it. We are demanding it.
My friend. I trust that’s clear enough. And the very fact that I am having to repeat why free speech should remain completely and absolutely untouched and unregulated by any government agency or tribunal thereunder is amazing to me. Have they forgotten Orwell? Do they truly not realize that once you let the camel’s nose under the tent it’s over. Jurisdiction attaches. Regulation ensues. And prior restraint games a new foothold. This is dedicated to an old friend of mine who’s the prototypical, archetypal Al Franken acolyte who embodies this insanity perfectly. Who feels that when the liberal Optimates sign off on legislation it must have been thoroughly vetted and reviewed for its constitutional pertinence and safety. But what I see more and more is that the professional left are the most negligent when it comes to being the constitutional sentry. It is not my usual form to use terms such as left and right, as I eschew the already hackneyed left right paradigm. But I will make an exception in this case for clarity and shortcut purposes.
The unmitigated audacity. And to think my radical suggestion, my revolutionary position is to be able to allow you to always enjoy the freedom to say whatever you want.
