Reality Principle #32 on Boiling Frogs

“Elections in Iran” with Yassamine Mather

This week Eric sits down with Yassamine Mather to discuss this week’s presidential elections in Iran. Eric and Yassamine discuss the important factions (Principlists vs. Reformists) and the ideologies and attitudes they represent. Yassamine provides critical insight into the political and economic conditions of ordinary, working class Iranians living under conditions of economic warfare. Eric and Yassamine examine the issue of economic development and whether the development in Iran has been productive and equitable. Additionally, they discuss the Sistan-Balochistan region both in terms of its strategic importance to the United States and the various terror groups that call it home.

Yassamine Mather is the Chair of the Hands Off the People of Iran (HOPI) organization. She teaches at the University of Glasgow’s Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory and Movements. Visit the HOPI website at

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