UFO / The Unexplained

Is There A Large Group Of Officials At The Pentagon That Actually Believe That Aliens Are Demonic Entities?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: We live in a world that is getting even weirder with each passing month.  In the old days, if you talked about “UFOs” and “aliens” a lot of people would be tempted to think that you were nuts.  But now “UFOs” and “aliens” are the subject of […]

Toxic Chemicals In Dried Spices & Herbs, Lab Grown Meats Approved For Sale In The U.S., Bioengineered Canned Veggies And More, Show How Dangerous Store-Bought Food Can Be

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: In August we wrote about checking all food labels after seeing that most canned and boxed foods had a “bioengineered” label on them. It was with great joy (massive sarcasm) that I ran up and down the stairs grabbing boxes and canned foods from my cabinets so I could take pictures […]

Why I Do Not Believe In Alien UFOs …and why you’d better hope I’m right!

by Tom Harris, America Outloud: Making contact with intelligent extraterrestrials could be the most important, and potentially the most beneficial — or deadly — event in human history. Consequently, Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) enthusiasts are thrilled that, on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, three former military officers who claim that they’ve seen direct evidence of UFOs testified before […]