Military Age Men

Shocking Footage of the Collapse of the US Border & the End of the American Republic

Border Patrol is catching 12,000 border crossers per day, but an estimated 80% of them get away and enter the US. Record numbers of military age Islamic men have been allowed inside the US border and Alex Jones predicts that there will be attacks by these men that will be used to bring in martial law and more control.

Tucson: Shocking 18,900 Apprehensions of Illegal Aliens in Last Week – Highest Ever

Last week there were 18,900 apprehensions of illegal aliens in the Tucson sector. Most were released into the US and disappeared. The Tucson sector is just 1 of 9 Border Patrol sectors. More than 10 million illegal aliens, mainly military-age men, have flooded into the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.