John Kirby

FBI Translator Fled to Syria to Marry ISIS Recruiter

(MEEAn FBI translator went rogue and travelled to Syria to marry an Islamic State (IS) group member whom she had been investigating, CNN has reported.
Daniela Greene soon returned to the US, where she served two years in jail.
Greene, now 38, had been working at the FBI’s Detroit office and investigating the IS recruiter since January 2014.

John Kirby quotes terrorists to lie about Russia

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | November 19, 2016 Recently, John Kirby lost his rag when challenged to name the sources which gave him ‘information’ implying that Russia had helped the Syrian Arab Army bomb civilian targets such as hospitals. His reaction was typical of Shakespeare’s dictum, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”. […]

US Journalist Arrested in Turkey after Fleeing Syria

(MEEAn American journalist has been arrested in Turkey and charged with “violating a military zone” after she returned from war-torn Syria, US officials said on Wednesday.
US State Department spokesman John Kirby said Lindsey Snell was detained on 6 August and that US consular officials had been able to visit her almost three weeks later on 26 August.

Senator McCain Calls Admiral an “Idiot”

Context doesn’t matter with clever kitty videos, but politics is different
BuzzFeed, moving up from cute-cat-tricks to catty-Senator-tricks, caused a few ripples in the political swamp on October 22 with its belated, skewed reporting of Republican Senator John McCain calling U.S. Admiral John Kirby an “idiot” on a right wing radio show in North Carolina on October 15. OK, nobody really expects BuzzFeed News to publish honest news.