Human Development

Meet SAM, Brick Laying Robot That Does The Work Of 6 Humans

(ZHE) In the latest installment of Zero Hedge’s “Dear Bernie” series, posts intended to inform the Vermont Senator about the unintended, negative consequences of minimum wage hikes, we present SAM (Semi-Automated Mason), a brick laying robot designed and engineered by Construction Robotics out of New York. While SAM can do the work of 6 unionized masons each day, he never requires a break, benefits or a paycheck.

Jeff Sessions Goes Full Reefer Madness

(ANTIMEDIA) Attorney General Jeff Sessions is terribly confused and wildly uninformed. That, or he’s a liar.
Trump’s pick to head the Department of Justice has long opposed cannabis and enthusiastically supported the war on drugs. Though he reportedly recently assured congressional lawmakers he would not be instituting a crackdown on weed in states where it’s legal, his rhetoric against the increasingly accepted plant is concerning.