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Mon, 03/25/2024 - 00:34
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Alternative Media
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Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
British Soldier Arrested for Protesting Against Yemen War & Arms Support for Saudi Arabia Mon, 09/13/2021 - 19:32 Tue, 09/14/2021 - 00:04
9/11 and the Politics of Fear and Self-Preservation Sat, 09/11/2021 - 02:46 Sat, 09/11/2021 - 05:32
Why Israel’s Gilboa Prison Break has Palestinians Celebrating Fri, 09/10/2021 - 19:39 Tue, 09/21/2021 - 00:22
How the US Government Stokes Racial Tensions in Cuba and Around the World Fri, 09/10/2021 - 17:34 Fri, 09/10/2021 - 23:22
How Chevron Used the Law and the FBI to Target Whistle-Blowing Lawyer Steven Donziger Thu, 09/09/2021 - 16:23 Thu, 09/09/2021 - 21:54
Revealed: Mercer Street’s Parent Shipping Company a Front for Israeli Intelligence Tue, 09/07/2021 - 22:08 Wed, 09/08/2021 - 03:34
Privatizing the Occupation: How Israeli Corporations Came to Police the Palestinians Tue, 09/07/2021 - 20:14 Tue, 09/07/2021 - 21:32
How the US Trained the Afghan Mujahideen To Produce War Propaganda Tue, 09/07/2021 - 18:24 Tue, 09/07/2021 - 21:32
Want Regime Change with Plausible Deniability? Call Creative Associates International Fri, 09/03/2021 - 19:02 Sat, 09/04/2021 - 17:08
How a Poor “Negro” Couple Bucked the KKK and Sowed the Seeds of East-West Diplomacy Fri, 09/03/2021 - 17:30 Mon, 09/06/2021 - 15:56
On Propaganda and Failed Narratives: New Understanding of Afghanistan is a Must Thu, 09/02/2021 - 15:30 Thu, 09/02/2021 - 18:02
A Saudi Move to Deport Yemeni Professionals En Masse is Likely to Backfire Dramatically Tue, 08/31/2021 - 20:49 Tue, 08/31/2021 - 21:26
Zionism’s Anthem: The Danger Lurking in “Jerusalem of Gold” Tue, 08/31/2021 - 20:27 Tue, 08/31/2021 - 21:26
Chris Hedges: The Empire Does Not Forgive Mon, 08/30/2021 - 17:08 Mon, 08/30/2021 - 20:12
Did the US Support the Growth of ISIS-K in Afghanistan? Mon, 08/30/2021 - 16:55 Mon, 08/30/2021 - 20:12
Why I Deserted: Dissident Joe Glenton on the Futility of the Afghan War and “War on Terror” Sat, 08/28/2021 - 18:40 Sat, 08/28/2021 - 23:36
Decline and Fall of the US Empire: Lawrence Wilkerson Discusses Afghanistan Pull-Out Thu, 08/26/2021 - 23:23 Fri, 08/27/2021 - 03:24
‘Blood for Blood’: On Jenin and Israel’s Fear of an Armed Palestinian Rebellion Thu, 08/26/2021 - 19:23 Thu, 08/26/2021 - 21:08
In Masafer Yatta, Palestinian Children Face Stoning, Car Ramming and Terror from Jewish Settlers Wed, 08/25/2021 - 21:38 Thu, 08/26/2021 - 02:16
“I Was Living Like Scarface”: The Ludicrous Costs of the War in Afghanistan Revealed in New Documents, Testimonies Wed, 08/25/2021 - 19:30 Wed, 08/25/2021 - 20:14
John Pilger: Afghanistan, The Great Game of Smashing Countries Tue, 08/24/2021 - 18:53 Mon, 08/30/2021 - 20:12
MintPress News Confronts Senator Cruz on Murderous US Sanctions Mon, 08/23/2021 - 18:44 Mon, 08/23/2021 - 22:32
US Leery as Talks Proceed Between Venezuela Govt and Opposition Thu, 08/19/2021 - 21:27 Thu, 08/19/2021 - 22:44
My Visit to Lyd, Where Historical and Contemporary Zionist Oppression Meet Thu, 08/19/2021 - 17:23 Thu, 08/19/2021 - 22:44
Freezing Afghanistan’s Wealth: US Scrambles to Hit Hard with “Soft” Power Wed, 08/18/2021 - 19:51 Wed, 08/18/2021 - 21:36
The Quiet Rebellion: Why US Jews Turning against Israel is Good for Palestinians Wed, 08/18/2021 - 16:44 Wed, 08/18/2021 - 21:36
Actor Michael Malarkey on Israel-Palestine and Why More Celebrities Don’t Speak Out Mon, 08/16/2021 - 16:03 Mon, 08/16/2021 - 22:00
Creative Associates International (CAI): It’s Not Exactly the CIA, But Close Enough Fri, 08/13/2021 - 23:28 Sat, 08/14/2021 - 03:52
Greed and Consumption: Why the World is Burning Fri, 08/13/2021 - 19:31 Fri, 08/13/2021 - 21:50
Manipulating Dollar-Riyal Exchange Rate, Saudis and US Double Cost of Yemen’s Staple Goods Fri, 08/13/2021 - 18:34 Fri, 08/13/2021 - 21:50
A Day in the Death of British Justice Thu, 08/12/2021 - 21:41 Thu, 08/12/2021 - 21:42
The Finders: Harmless Cult or CIA-Linked Child Traffickers? A Discussion with Elizabeth Vos Thu, 08/12/2021 - 15:22 Thu, 08/12/2021 - 15:24
Media Paints Israel as “Victim” as Hezbollah Responds to Fresh Israeli Airstrikes Fri, 08/06/2021 - 19:57 Sat, 08/07/2021 - 01:26
Calling Sanctions by Their Name: Rania Khalek on US Mideast Genocide Fri, 08/06/2021 - 16:38 Fri, 08/06/2021 - 19:14
The Israeli Defense Forces: The Most Inept Army in the World Fri, 08/06/2021 - 16:31 Fri, 08/06/2021 - 19:16
SpyCops: How the UK Police Infiltrated Over 1,000 Political Groups Fri, 08/06/2021 - 01:06 Fri, 08/06/2021 - 06:12
Top New York Times, WaPo Experts Affiliated With Pentagon-Funded CNAS Think Tank Wed, 08/04/2021 - 20:23 Fri, 08/06/2021 - 00:10
“I Won’t Compete”: Two Olympians Take Courageous Stand Against Israel and Apartheid Wed, 08/04/2021 - 16:05 Wed, 08/04/2021 - 16:58
“People Come Out Completely Crazy”: A Palestinian Survivor Talks Israeli Torture Tue, 08/03/2021 - 20:55 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 22:52
CoJiT: The “Anti-Extremism” Think Tank Started by Sons of Israeli Superspy Robert Maxwell Tue, 08/03/2021 - 20:46 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 22:52
The Politics of Spectacle: On Eviction Moratorium, The Squad Talks the Walk Tue, 08/03/2021 - 19:22 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 22:52
Afghanistan: As US “Withdraws” Airstrikes Intensify and More Civilians Die Tue, 08/03/2021 - 18:47 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 22:52
Can Saudis/US Use Water Crisis to Bring Yemenis to Their Knees? Mon, 08/02/2021 - 20:17 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 01:44
The Making of Two Political Prisoners: Daniel Hale and Craig Murray Sat, 07/31/2021 - 23:25 Sun, 08/01/2021 - 00:08
Australia: A Laboratory of Empire with Lowkey & Aamer Rahman Fri, 07/30/2021 - 16:59 Fri, 07/30/2021 - 17:02
Exclusive: Haitians Reject Calls For US Military Intervention Wed, 07/28/2021 - 17:24 Tue, 08/03/2021 - 22:52
Chris Hedges: The Price of Conscience Tue, 07/27/2021 - 20:47 Wed, 07/28/2021 - 01:32
Suheila’s Story: The Two-Year Quest to Reclaim and Bury Her Martyred Brother’s Body Tue, 07/27/2021 - 15:14 Fri, 07/30/2021 - 23:04
Chris Hedges: The Collective Suicide Machine Tue, 07/27/2021 - 14:53 Tue, 07/27/2021 - 19:30
Corporate Media Joins the Anti-Vaxxers When It Comes to Chinese- and Russian-Made Vaccines Tue, 07/27/2021 - 14:44 Tue, 07/27/2021 - 19:30