Paul Craig Roberts items

ID Label Imported GUID URL
1062339 Extensive Eyewitness Accounts that a series of explosions brought down the… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062340 Joe Biden Sets Up Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for Assassination 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062341 Germany Is Being Destroyed in Washington’s Interest 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062342 RFK Jr Asks What Is Destroying the Health of America’s Children 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062238 Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062239 Utterly Corrupt US Department of Injustice Goes All Out to Protect Hunter… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062240 US Rep. Gaetz Points out to the US Air Force Academy’s Commander that he… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062241 If you go to a Trump rally Biden locks you up as an “insurrectionist,” but… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062242 Circling the Wagons to Protect the Criminals 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062147 PUTIN ISSUES STARK WARNING TO POLAND AND NATO 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062019 Diversity Has Collapsed the US Military into Criminal Decadence 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062020 Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062021 The Digital Revolution Was the Means for Locking Us in The Matrix 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062022 UFOs Are Real 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1062023 From News Reports It Emerges that Not Only the Bidens Are Corrupt but also… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061906 The Evidence Is In:  Covid Deaths Were Faked in order to Panic People into… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061904 The “Covid Pandemic” Was an Orchestration 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061905 White America: Disappeared and Replaced 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061798 America’s Deteriorating Economic Performance 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061799 India, BRICS, and the Dollar:  PCR Interviewed by Geofor 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061800 The Ever Widening War 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061801 The War Crimes That Assange and WikiLeaks Exposed 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061802 It is Difficult to Know who is Most Corrupt: Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, or… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061674 Will the Largest Organized Mass Murder in World History Escape… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061675 White Americans are not Safe in Blue Jurisdictions 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061676 Did Israel Use $300 Billion from US Taxpayers to Purchase the US… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061677 Western Governments are Marketing Agents and Enforcers for Agribusiness… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061678 Immigrant-invader Burmese Pythons Destroy Everglades Wildlife 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061549 We have lost our country.  How do we get her back? 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061550 The Smear Against RFK, Jr. 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061551 Tony Fauci Denied Under Oath that the US funded the Wuhan Lab in China. If… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061552 Biden Regime Actively Engaged in Suppression of Evidence Unfavorable to… 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061547 Kentucky Nurses Coerced to Submit to Woke Brainwashing or Lose Jobs 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061548 The Ever Widening War 1 year 1 month ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061446 Does the US have a military capable of fighting?  Or is it merely a show… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061447 Disintegrating Justice 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061448 A Dissident Voice: Gordon Hahn Explains Why Putin’s “limited military… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061449 PCR Live Interview on Russia’s leading nightly news program 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061450 The Democrats Who Now Comprise the World’s Largest Body of Totalitarians… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061451 The Party of Hate 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061452 The FBI: An American Gestapo 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061445 A Third World War Seems a Certainty 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061348 If you had the Vax and are suffering consequences, there are possible… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061349 Another Consequence of Putin’s Never-ending War 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061350 More Evidence that our rulers have more orchestrated “pandemics” in store… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061351 The Cult of Compliance with Official Narratives Spells Our Doom 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061352 The US “media” continues to prove that it is the Establishment’s whore 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061353 The Democrats, “Security” Agencies & “media” Have Destroyed America & Its… 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061269 Explosive FBI Whistleblower Information Released by Congress 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…
1061154 The Empire of Lies 1 year 2 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts… https://www.paulcraigroberts…

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
RFK Jr Asks What Is Destroying the Health of America’s Children Mon, 07/31/2023 - 13:17 Mon, 07/31/2023 - 19:34
Federal Judge Rejects DOJ Sweetheart Deal for Hunter Biden Mon, 07/31/2023 - 13:17 Mon, 07/31/2023 - 19:34
There Was No Covid Pandemic.  There Was Orchestrated Mass Murder. Mon, 07/31/2023 - 13:16 Mon, 07/31/2023 - 19:34
FDA Approves Killer Drug in Order to Boost Big Pharma’s Profits Mon, 07/31/2023 - 13:16 Mon, 07/31/2023 - 19:34
Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:43 Sun, 07/30/2023 - 18:18
Utterly Corrupt US Department of Injustice Goes All Out to Protect Hunter Biden Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:40 Sun, 07/30/2023 - 18:18
US Rep. Gaetz Points out to the US Air Force Academy’s Commander that he is running a Program that discriminates against the vast majority of AF Personnel in the name of diversity and inclusiveness. Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:39 Sun, 07/30/2023 - 18:18
If you go to a Trump rally Biden locks you up as an “insurrectionist,” but no investigation of  Biden for unreported foreign payments Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:37 Sun, 07/30/2023 - 18:18
Circling the Wagons to Protect the Criminals Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:36 Sun, 07/30/2023 - 18:18
PUTIN ISSUES STARK WARNING TO POLAND AND NATO Sat, 07/29/2023 - 14:22 Sat, 07/29/2023 - 17:16
Diversity Has Collapsed the US Military into Criminal Decadence Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:09 Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:08
Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination: Study Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:08 Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:08
The Digital Revolution Was the Means for Locking Us in The Matrix Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:08 Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:08
UFOs Are Real Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:07 Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:08
From News Reports It Emerges that Not Only the Bidens Are Corrupt but also their Attorneys, the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:05 Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:08
The “Covid Pandemic” Was an Orchestration Thu, 07/27/2023 - 14:55 Thu, 07/27/2023 - 15:10
White America: Disappeared and Replaced Thu, 07/27/2023 - 14:54 Thu, 07/27/2023 - 15:10
The Evidence Is In:  Covid Deaths Were Faked in order to Panic People into Accepting Injection with an Unknown Substance called a “vaccine” Thu, 07/27/2023 - 14:53 Thu, 07/27/2023 - 15:10
America’s Deteriorating Economic Performance Wed, 07/26/2023 - 14:22 Wed, 07/26/2023 - 20:00
India, BRICS, and the Dollar:  PCR Interviewed by Geofor Wed, 07/26/2023 - 13:56 Wed, 07/26/2023 - 20:00
The Ever Widening War Wed, 07/26/2023 - 13:56 Wed, 07/26/2023 - 20:00
The War Crimes That Assange and WikiLeaks Exposed Wed, 07/26/2023 - 13:55 Wed, 07/26/2023 - 20:00
It is Difficult to Know who is Most Corrupt: Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, or the FBI Wed, 07/26/2023 - 13:54 Wed, 07/26/2023 - 20:00
Will the Largest Organized Mass Murder in World History Escape Accountability? Tue, 07/25/2023 - 13:27 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 19:04
White Americans are not Safe in Blue Jurisdictions Tue, 07/25/2023 - 13:21 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 19:04
Did Israel Use $300 Billion from US Taxpayers to Purchase the US Government, Lock, Stock, and Barrel? Tue, 07/25/2023 - 13:21 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 19:04
Western Governments are Marketing Agents and Enforcers for Agribusiness and Big Pharma Tue, 07/25/2023 - 13:20 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 19:04
Immigrant-invader Burmese Pythons Destroy Everglades Wildlife Tue, 07/25/2023 - 13:19 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 19:04
Kentucky Nurses Coerced to Submit to Woke Brainwashing or Lose Jobs Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:14 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
The Ever Widening War Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:13 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
We have lost our country.  How do we get her back? Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:13 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
The Smear Against RFK, Jr. Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:12 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
Tony Fauci Denied Under Oath that the US funded the Wuhan Lab in China. If this is so, how did the Biden regime suspend US federal funding for the Wuhan Lab? How can funding be suspended if it is not funded? Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:12 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
Biden Regime Actively Engaged in Suppression of Evidence Unfavorable to Big Pharma Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:11 Mon, 07/24/2023 - 17:44
A Third World War Seems a Certainty Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:12 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:00
Does the US have a military capable of fighting?  Or is it merely a show case for Democrat ideologies? Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:12 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
Disintegrating Justice Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:11 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
A Dissident Voice: Gordon Hahn Explains Why Putin’s “limited military operation” Was a Strategic Blunder Resulting in Ongoing War Until the Death of the Last Ukrainian Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:08 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
PCR Live Interview on Russia’s leading nightly news program Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:07 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
The Democrats Who Now Comprise the World’s Largest Body of Totalitarians Tried to Use a House Hearing on Censorship to Censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:07 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
The Party of Hate Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:06 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
The FBI: An American Gestapo Sun, 07/23/2023 - 14:05 Sun, 07/23/2023 - 17:02
If you had the Vax and are suffering consequences, there are possible cures to flush the spike protein out of your system Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:13 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
Another Consequence of Putin’s Never-ending War Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:12 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
More Evidence that our rulers have more orchestrated “pandemics” in store for us Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:12 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
The Cult of Compliance with Official Narratives Spells Our Doom Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:11 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
The US “media” continues to prove that it is the Establishment’s whore Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:11 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
The Democrats, “Security” Agencies & “media” Have Destroyed America & Its Constitution Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:10 Sat, 07/22/2023 - 15:56
Explosive FBI Whistleblower Information Released by Congress Fri, 07/21/2023 - 14:53 Fri, 07/21/2023 - 21:08
The Empire of Lies Thu, 07/20/2023 - 13:54 Thu, 07/20/2023 - 20:06