Stephan Kinsella items

ID Label Imported GUID URL
1009144 KOL183: Stephan Kinsella vs. William Thomas: Anarchism: For And Against: A… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395750 KOL214 | Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode 97 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
444593 “What It Means To Be an Anarcho-Capitalist,” Ukrainian Translation 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
677173 Portuguese translation of “How We Come To Own Ourselves” 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009113 KOL205 | Austrian AV Club Interview—Mises Institute Canada: Net Neutrality… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009129 KOL193 | The Economy with Albert Lu: On IP and Double Counting (3/3) 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009145 Kinsella PorcFest 2015 Videos 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395751 KOL213 | Praise of Folly Podcast Episode #21: Debate with Todd Lewis: Is… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
455885 KOL219 | Property: What It Is and Isn’t: Houston Property Rights… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
527382 KOL230 | Yale Political Union Debate: Resolved: IP Should Be Abolished! 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
601311 KOL244 | “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice Ep. 001: Intellectual Property… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
694815 Common Law Court and Militia Nut Material from the 1990s 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009114 The Great Fractional Reserve/Freebanking Debate 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009130 KOL192 | The Economy with Albert Lu: On the Legal Significance of… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009146 Larken Rose, Stephan Kinsella and Daniel Rothschild Anarchy at The Rock … 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395752 Rothbard Graduate Seminar, 2002 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
456353 KOL220 | Future Gravy Interview about Blockstream and the Defensive Patent… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
528319 KOL231 | Let’s Talk Ethereum—Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism &… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
710363 KOL255 | PeterMac Show: Part 1 of 3 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009099 The Voluntaryist Constitution 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009115 KOL204 | Outside the Music Box Interview: The Ins and Outs of Intellectual… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009131 Letter to editor re Legal Services Corporation, Barrister Magazine (1996) 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009147 Foreword to A Spontaneous Order 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395753 KOL212 | Ask a Libertarian: Anarcho-Capitalism 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
459044 KOL221 | Mises Brasil: State Legislation Versus Law and Liberty 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
530940 KOL232 | What is Libertarianism? – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
603699 KOL245 | Nothing Exempt: Intellectual Property 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
710364 KOL254 | Interviewing Tom Woods About Getting Into Harvard 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009100 Kevin Carson on Confiscating Property from the Rich 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009116 KOL203 | Libertarian Theory Q&A – Facebook Live: verbal threats as assault… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009132 Kinsella Clan Keeps Growing 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009148 PorcFest 2015: Anarchism, for and against: a debate 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395754 Question about the feasibility of anarcho/libertarianism 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
459345 KOL222 | Mises Brasil: Intellectual Property Imperialism Versus Innovation… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
538044 KOL233 | Mises UK Podcast: Bitcoin Ownership and the Global Withering of… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
711691 KOL256 | PeterMac Show: Part 2 of 3 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009101 The “Out of Pocket” Idiom 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009117 KOL202 | Tom Woods Show: Why Are Some Libertarians Rejecting the… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009149 Beware the Trans-Pacific Partnership: It’s Not About Free Trade 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
395755 David Kelley on the Necessity of Government 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
469673 Answering a Reader about Utilitarianism and IP 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
543147 Robert Pascal, R.I.P. 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
613583 KOL246 | CryptoVoices: Bitcoin as Property, Digital Goods, Personal… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
712517 KOL257 | PeterMac Show: Part 3 of 3 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009102 Dr. Petr Beckmann: “Defending Nuclear Power” 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009118 KOL201 | Mid-Life Criss Podcast: IP and Anarchy 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009150 KOL182 | Molyneux, Kinsella, and a Student: An Introduction to Libertarian… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
615254 A Way to Be Free: The Autobiography of Robert LeFevre 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
716556 Richard Storey’s The Uniqueness of Western Law: A Reactionary Manifesto 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…
1009119 KOL200 | Anarchist Standard Interview: Anarchy, AI, Religion, and the… 2 years 2 months ago… https://www.stephankinsella.c…

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Kinsella: Upcoming Speeches, Teaching, Books Tue, 08/10/2010 - 23:54 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Innovations that Thrive without IP Mon, 08/09/2010 - 21:59 Wed, 07/06/2022 - 00:52
Further Thoughts on Abandonment and Alienability in Contract Theory: Discussions with Jay Lakner Mon, 08/09/2010 - 16:58 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Food Patents in Greece in 500 BC Mon, 08/09/2010 - 05:10 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Kinsella in Eight Languages Sun, 08/08/2010 - 06:13 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Reason’s Ronald Bailey on “Egalitarian” Opponents of Intellectual Property Wed, 08/04/2010 - 05:18 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
2001 Called, they want their MP3 Distribution model back: Acton MP3 Files–for sale! Tue, 08/03/2010 - 20:00 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
My reply to Brian Doherty’s post on my Death Throes of pro-IP Libertarianism article Tue, 08/03/2010 - 04:13 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 08:18
Recent Blogposts on The Libertarian Standard and Mises Blog Mon, 08/02/2010 - 20:05 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Tom Palmer on “The Case for Ordered Liberty Without States” Mon, 08/02/2010 - 19:14 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Leveraging IP Mon, 08/02/2010 - 18:46 Thu, 08/04/2022 - 21:48
The Three Best Movie Critics Alive Mon, 08/02/2010 - 08:20 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Kinsella in Swedish Fri, 07/30/2010 - 23:07 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
The Death Throes of Pro-IP Libertarianism Thu, 07/29/2010 - 19:28 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Russell Madden’s “The Death Throes of Pro-IP Libertarianism” Thu, 07/29/2010 - 18:15 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Attempted Objectivist attack on Christianity backfires Wed, 07/28/2010 - 22:27 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Examples of Ways Content Creators Can Profit Without Intellectual Property Wed, 07/28/2010 - 20:54 Sat, 07/23/2022 - 05:04
Thoughts on Private IP Cartels Tue, 07/27/2010 - 15:21 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Advice for Journal Article Referees Sun, 07/25/2010 - 05:24 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Replies to Neil Schulman and Neil Smith re IP Tue, 07/20/2010 - 00:05 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Libertarian Parenting–A Freedomain Radio Conversation Sat, 07/03/2010 - 08:46 Thu, 10/13/2022 - 16:04
FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT EULOGIZES KLANSMAN Fri, 07/02/2010 - 22:13 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
No Method to Patent Madness: The Supreme Court’s Bilski Decision Tue, 06/29/2010 - 02:52 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Obama and the Klansman Mon, 06/28/2010 - 17:59 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
How Intellectual Property Hampers Capitalism Mon, 06/28/2010 - 06:12 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Rand’s Immortal Robot and “Values” Wed, 06/23/2010 - 23:09 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Logical and Legal Positivism Wed, 06/23/2010 - 17:30 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Locke, Smith, Marx; the Labor Theory of Property and the Labor Theory of Value; and Rothbard, Gordon, and Intellectual Property Wed, 06/23/2010 - 17:17 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Helpless Mainstreamers Grappling with Intellectual Property Tue, 06/22/2010 - 18:50 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Kagan: Pro-State Shill Tue, 06/22/2010 - 18:28 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Book Review of Hoppe Festschrift Mon, 06/21/2010 - 23:02 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Terence Kealey: “Science is a Private Good–Or: Why Government Science is Wasteful” Sun, 06/20/2010 - 20:20 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
PFS Speech: Ideas are Free: The Case Against Intellectual Property: or, How Libertarians Went Wrong Thu, 06/17/2010 - 15:02 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Bodrum Days and Nights: The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: A Partial Report Thu, 06/17/2010 - 06:12 Fri, 10/21/2022 - 23:46
Interesting and Esoteric Words of the Slate Podcast Literati: June 9 &16, 2010 Tue, 06/15/2010 - 18:10 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Hoppe: The Property And Freedom Society—Reflections After Five Years Thu, 06/10/2010 - 14:28 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Thomas Jefferson and the Patent Act of 1793 Sun, 06/06/2010 - 18:34 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Pride and the Nanny State Tue, 06/01/2010 - 18:00 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
The Coming Obamacare Healthcare Inequality: Concierge Medical Services Tue, 06/01/2010 - 01:22 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Kinsella Discusses Environmentalism, Nuclear Power, etc. with Gene Basler Mon, 05/31/2010 - 04:50 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Romantic Means No Anniversary Presents Sat, 05/29/2010 - 15:43 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Joe Konrath Explains Why Authors Shouldn’t Fear File Sharing Sat, 05/29/2010 - 13:58 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Letter to MacBreak Weekly’s Scott Bourne about Open Source and the Free Market Thu, 05/27/2010 - 18:19 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Hoppe on Covenant Communities and Advocates of Alternative Lifestyles Wed, 05/26/2010 - 17:31 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
The Ontology of the Omniverse Wed, 05/26/2010 - 00:16 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Roderick Long Finally Realizes IP is Unjustified Tue, 05/25/2010 - 22:16 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
My Niece Emily’s Beach Wedding Tue, 05/25/2010 - 18:33 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Private Discrimination, Rand Paul, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Tue, 05/25/2010 - 18:30 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Fund raising for feature documentary – Who Owns You? Mon, 05/24/2010 - 20:58 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46
Interesting and Esoteric Words of the Slate Podcast Literati: May 19, 2010 Thu, 05/20/2010 - 00:05 Sat, 03/19/2022 - 23:46