You Know Bloomberg's Not A Democrat... Why Do Some Voters Believe He Is?

The disgusting little Republican oligarch showed his true colors-- colors he's downplaying now as he tries to buy the Democratic Party nomination-- when he addressed an event of predatory Goldman Sachs banksters in a rich-people-only luxury box at Yankee Stadium in 2016. His contempt for the working class was audible and apparent all during his talk, a surreptitious tape of which is now available on soundcloud, as you can hear above. "These are my peeps," he says ingratiatingly when the banksters applauded his first remark about how he would "protect" the banks, meaning their ability to rip off their customers with impunity. He attacked Elizabeth Warren for trying to regulate and eliminate that kind of criminal corruption. The Bloomers campaign tried to knock the tape off the front pages by claiming that Bernie once said "toddlers should run around naked and touch each others genitals."The overall premise of the evening was a discussion about why he didn't run on a third-party ticket against Hillary and Trump. He subsequently decided it would just be easier to buy off the lowlife characters like Tom Perez at the DNC and pretend to be, more or less, a Democrat. He noted at the event that Obama didn't do a good job and that Romney would have done better, in his opinion, than Obama, who was still president at the time. (By the way how many of the ads have you seen of the sickening Bloomberg trying to deceive low IQ TV viewers that Obama has endorsed him?) "The second Obama election," he admits to his bankster buddies, "I wrote a very backhanded endorsement of Obama, saying I thought he hadn't done the right thing, hadn't done, hadn't been good at things that I think are important and Romney would be a better person at doing that.""I was going to run; I came very close" he said. "We had lawyers in all 50 states; we had storefronts in Texas to use to get petitions signed to get on the ballot. We had commercials written." He went on to speak about how running the country is like running a railroad. "You have to have executive experience" and explained how he would deal with Congress: "The ways you get Congress to work for you is the ways you deal with your family. You bribe them. You say to your kid, you say to your kid to 'clean your room or you don't get your allowance.' That's a bribe, I'm sorry... Curfews or you threaten them, 'If you don't do this no television.' Or you try to reason with them you know, maybe you'll find $2 under your clothes that are piled on the floor. But that's the way you deal with people and you deal with organizations. That's the way every big organization runs... We've taken away some of that with these member items [earmarks] that used to be that Congress had a certain amount of money and they would bribe each legislator to vote for the important things. We got rid of that and now it's so fractured. It's hard to get anything through Congress."Status Quo Joe, asked to comment on the leaked tape: "Now we know that behind closed doors, Bloomberg described his last-minute endorsement of President Obama in 2012 as 'very backhanded' and said that he thought 'Romney would be a better person at doing' the 'things that I think are important.' Bloomberg may have changed his voter registration but he's still a Republican at heart."