We Told You To Vote For Kevin De León

Feelin' the Bern yet? Watch that video above; it's short and sweet. "Our president is a liar," Bernie said yesterday. "The Green New Deal is a bold proposal that will radically transform our energy system into sustainable sources of energy while creating millions of jobs and revitalizing our communities. We must fight to ensure we leave a habitable planet for our kids and grandchildren."I'm sure I don't have to tell you that Republicans aren't the only creeping crawling politicians working hard to sabotage the Green New Deal, some because they take bribes and some because their brains have calcified. In Dianne Feinstein's case, I would feel comfortable guessing it's both. Have you watched this video from yesterday yet?While Feinstein was doing her spot-on Trump impersonation, I was at City of Hope... for a little tune up. At one point I was waiting for a scan and the guy sitting next to me saw me blowing away about Trump and struck up a conversation. "I voted for him. I'd never do it again." He went on for a while about why he wouldn't vote for Hillary when I interrupted and asked why he wouldn't voted for Trump again. He said "it's too embarrassing" and he explained that Trump is making the country into a laughing stock on the world stage. Fine; whatever it takes. But when I asked him who he'd prefer to see in the White House, he didn't know. He didn't feel comfortable with any of the Democrats running. I suggested Bernie. He said he liked his "honesty" but couldn't abide a socialist. I explained about how Bernie is a socialist the way FDR was a socialist and that it's just a word Trump is using to frighten people. Then it was time for my scan and I had to go before I could ask him to sign one of my DWT "I will vote for Bernie" pledge cards.