Stefan Lanka: Biology as it is not - refutation of genetics, virology and cell theory

Biologist and marine biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka tells us the history of virology. He refutes previous knowledge about genetics, virology and cell theory. As a virologist, he looked into in the previous concepts and understood that they are not correct. Most people believe in a terror biology in which our own molecules turn against ourselves and only want to kill and that can spread. Lanka refutes this misconception. 
The lecture was recorded on January 21, 2022. 
Chapter overview: 
0:00:00 Presentation WE - knowledge is relevant0:00:40 Biology as it is not0:05:15 Democritus material explanation for life0:08:57 Eugen Rosenstock on sham research0:10:00 Rudolf Virchow Basics for euthanasia0:23:12 Anti-science as the basis of virology0:32:00 When, why and who created virology?0:42:57 Refutation of genetics0:48:32 The start of Corona in China0:53:09 Inaccuracy of the PCR test0:55:56 A chance to generate a leap in human development
Translated and edited by Northern Tracey & John Blaid
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