Rushin’ To Destruction: 2019 In Review, Part 8-- Trump Puts Himself On The Couch And Gives You His Deepest Thoughts, Via Tweet

-by NoahI’m pretty sure the folks who invented twitter never thought of the possibility of twitter in the hands of a president with the severe mental disorders that the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has. Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had spent the last 90 days tweeting out “Perfect Blow Job! Perfect Blow Job!”If they don’t already, medical schools that offer training in psychology and psychiatric care should offer courses in tweet analysis as a means of diagnosis. In the case of Donald Trump, each tweet is the equivalent of what a shrink jots down on a pad as you speak from the couch. Trump’s tweets show a fragile ego mind damage due either to disease or substance abuse or both. He’s a sadist out to hurt anything that lives. The level of needless aggression and psychosis reveals a brain that probably looks like a pan of burned scrambled eggs dumped on the Mojave sand on a 125-degree day.Historians and shrinks will be pouring over Trump’s tweets for a thousand years or more. He’d be happy about that, of course, but, with any luck, it will be the closest he ever gets to the dream of a thousand year reich he and his party long for. Instead, they are the stuff of some kind of modern day Shakespearian black comedy.What follows below are just a relatively small sample of one particular madman’s 2019 tweets (plus a few older ones mixed in for perspective) that illustrate his jumbled thought processes, thought processes that race from the fear and insecurity that drives him to his monumental narcissism and then on to his total psychosis. Beware! Your tweets are a roadmap to your mind, heart, and soul not to mention spelling ability and grammar issues. For Trump, twitter is also both a punching bag and a tool for projection. In his sick mind, he has weaponized it as a defense mechanism. He has no clue that his actions on twitter just make things worse for him.The following are all twitter verite. I saw no reason to correct his bizarre syntax or his spelling deficiencies. I’ve added some comments in parenthesis after the tweets that generally serve as what I would say in reply to his tweeting if I had a twitter account, which I don’t because life is too short.1. July 24, 2019: NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION!(No sanity. No sense! Me thinks thou doth protest too much! Wear your panic well, Traitor Don!)2. July 27, 2019: NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, TOTAL EXONERATION. DEMOCRAT WITCH HUNT! (Yes, Donnie. You’ve been saying that every day for months now. You seem scared Donnie. Wanna talk about it?)3. September 2, 2019: Such a phony hurricane report by lightweight reporter @jonathancarlof@ABCWorldNews. I suggested yesterday at FEMA that, along with Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, even Alabama could possibly come into play, which WAS true. They made a big deal about this…(Donnie, you should have kept your sharpie in your pocket. As you so often do, you made something worse because you just couldn’t leave it alone.)4. July 24, 2018: Tarrifs are the greatest! Either a country has treated the United States unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with Tarrifs. It’s as simple as that-- and everybody’s talking! (Tariffs, Donnie tariffs. C’mon on, you can get it. one r, 2 fs.)5. June 25, 2015: I hear that dopey political pundit Lawrence O’Donnell, one of the dummer people on television, is about to lose his show-no ratings? Too bad (Donnie, nothing spells I’m a moron faster that your misspelling dumber.)6.November 11, 2019: Vote for Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. He is a great and very loyal guy who is working very hard. He is in the quarterfinals-- all the way with Sean! #MAGA #KAG (Looks like you jinxed him, Donnie. Sad.)7. August 6, 2012: An”extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.(Was it Rudy Giuliani?)8. April 24, 2019: Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!(OK. So, are you saying that the Mexican soldiers are on our side of the border? If they are “returning” people to Mexico, wouldn’t they have to be here on our side of the border?)9. April 24, 2019: The Mueller Report, despite being written by Angry Democrats and Trump Haters, and with unlimited money behind it ($35,000,000), didn’t lay a glove on me. I DID NOTHING WRONG. If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court.(“Didn’t lay a glove on me.” That’s dialog straight out of a 1930s gangster movie. Cagney you ain’t, bozo.)10. April 22, 2019: Only high crimes and misdemeanors can lead to impeachment. There were no crimes by me (No Collusion, No Obstruction), so you can’t impeach. It was the Democrats that committed the crimes, not your Republican President! Tables are finally turning on the Witch Hunt!(Donnie, you are so prescient! Oh and back in 1998, your erstwhile lover Lindsey Graham said you don’t have to commit a crime in order to be impeached. Not to worry. You’ve got that covered.)11. April 23, 2019: ….Dumb and Sick. A really bad show with low ratings – and will only get worse. CNN has been a proven and long term ratings and beyond disaster. In fact, it rewarded Chris Cuomo with a now unsuccessful prime time slot, despite his massive failure in the morning. Only on CNN! (Donnie, You could be talking about yourself here.)12. January 6, 2018: ….Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star… ( And then you were only the 3rd to be impeached! Way to go!)(continued) ….to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that! (You know, if you have to say it so much, you probably aren’t.)13. October 7, 2019: As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done that before!) They must, with Europe and others, watch over…. (Donnie, you just turned over Syria to your Russian pal, you allowed our advanced Tomahawk missiles to get into Russian hands so they can now reverse engineer them, and you freed thousands of ISIS fighters and their families. Wisdom? You not only think way over highly of yourself but it’s clear that you think of yourself as some sort of comic book Emperor of the Universe. Earth to Donnie: You’re not. You are a child, a dangerous child, but a child.)14. July 22, 2018: To Iranian President Rouhani: NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUSTIOUS! (My, what big letters you have! Aren’t you really just addressing yourself? Donnie, you are the biggest threat to our country.)15. April 23, 2019: “The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” @MariaBartiromo. So true, but they don’t treat me well as a Republican. Very discriminatory, hard for people to sign on. Constantly taking people off list. Big complaints from many people. Different names-over 100M……(Republicans find it hard to sign on? It’s not that difficult. Just type in your damn password. Need a new one? Can I Suggest Traitor1? How about Twittler? That seems popular.)16. April 19, 2019: …agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened, a…(You can testify any ol’ time you want. It’ll get top ratings! Bigly tremendous ratings! Guaranteed!)17. March 24, 2019: No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!(The Mueller Report specifically said you were not exonerated.)18. September 1, 2016: Mexico will pay for the wall! (Sigh, Donnie. You always see things as they really are. How do you do it?)19. April 23, 2019: I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!(Listen Lord Tiny Hands, The New York Times didn’t apologize either time. There was no reason to. Wonder no more. Don’t waste your limited number of remaining brain cells.)20. September 25, 2019: There has been no president in the history of our country who has been so badly treated as I have. The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear. They get nothing done. This should never be allowed to happen to another president. Witch Hunt!(Yeah, Bozo. Tell that to your predecessor. You led your whole party and FOX “News” in their racist birtherism, hang the black guy from a tree lunacy. You all but began it. We’re still waiting for what you said “your people in Hawaii” couldn’t believe that they were finding! I might also mention Lincoln and JFK. Seems to me they were more badly treated than you’ve been. And, your party tried to stage a real coup against FDR and even had a General lined up to take over so stop whining!)21. December 27, 2019: Good marks and reviews on the letter I sent to Pelosi today. She is the worst! No wonder with people like her and Cryin Chuck Schumer, D.C. has been such a mess for so long-- and that includes the previous administration who (and now we know for sure) SPIED on my campaign. (Jeez. Your constant obsession with ratings and excessive need for approval! Your letter to Pelosi will be cherished by historians and psychiatrists alike. Future Psychology Grad students will write their thesis about it. Spied on you? They should have spied more. It’s their job to know what the assets of our foreign adversaries are up to,)22. December 19,2019: Pelosi feels her phony impeachment HOAX is so pathetic she is afraid to present it to the Senate, which can set a date and put this whole SCAM into default if they refuse to show up! The do nothings are so bad for our country!(The “do nothings” in the House have written and passed nearly 400 bills and sent them to your co-traitor Moscow Mitch who has refused to do anything with them. Piss off!)23. December 19, 2019: “The Senate shall set the time and place of the trial.” If the Do Nothing Democrats decide in their great wisdom, not to show up, they would lose by Default! (Well, Mr. Prez, it’s a shame you never took a civics lesson or read the Constitution. Yeah, I know it’s above your reading level.)24. December 19, 2019: SUCH ATROCIOUS LIES BY THE RADICAL LEFT, DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS. THIS IS AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA, AND AN ASSAOULT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!! (Atrocious. That’s a mighty big word for a man with such a low IQ, and lay off the caps key. It makes you look pathetic. Oh wait…)25. December 19, 2019: I got impeached last night without one Republican vote being cast with the Do Nothing Dems on their continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history. Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles & not deliver them to the Senate, but it’s the Senate’s call!(Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt. Tell that to the women who were burned at the stake up in Salem.)26. December 19, 2019: PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! (Donnie! What did I just say about the caps key?)27. September 11, 2013: I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.” (Donnie, you just reminded me of when, on 9/11/2001, you bragged that you now had the tallest building in New York. Never forget, me, me, me!)28. December 19, 2019: 100% Republican Vote. That’s what people are talking about. The Republicans are united like never before!(That’s right Little Donnie Cry Baby! They are one with you and everything you do, no matter what it is, and they are proud of it. They’re going right along with you, like Thelma and Louise, except in this case there’s zero reason for sympathy.)29. December 19, 2019: The reason the Democrats don’t want corrupt politician Adam Shifty Schiff to testify under oath, nor do they want the Whistleblower, the missing second Whistleblower, the informer, the Bidens, to testify! (Wow, that’s some projection, Mr. Mini Hands! Now, tell us why you refused to testify or have your top staff testify! Go ahead, tell us. We’ve been waiting! Waiting! Waiting!)30. December 20, 2019: We’re getting MS-13 gang members, and many other people that shouldn’t be here, out of our country. (Does that include MS-13 members that are citizens of the United States? You’re throwing U.S. citizens out of this country? Hmmm. Someone better call for an investigation of this one! Yeah, I know, Donnie. The Constitution is just toilet paper to you. Flush away! 10-15 times!)31. December 20, 2019: Nancy Pelosi is looking for a Quid Pro Quo with the Senate. Why aren’t we impeaching her? (Well, President Moron, in comparing your actions to Speaker Pelosi, are you indirectly admitting that you sought a Quid Pro Quo from someone?)32. Thank you to Franklin Graham for stating that his father, the late great Billy Graham, voted for me in the 2016 Election. I know how please you are with the work we have all done together! (My God! You’re still counting votes and, of course, always looking for approval. I hope, for Franklin’s sake that he has responded in the affirmative by now. How soon before you ask him to lick your shoes?)33. December 20, 1019: A far left magazine, or very “progressive,” as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather….(continued) ….have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again! (Personally Donnie, I never read ET but I have seen the movie a couple of times. But, am I really supposed to believe you ever read Christianity Today? You are always such a complete fraud, people are saying.)34. November 20, 2019: ….”I WANT NOTHING! I WANT NOHTING! I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO! TELL PRESIDENT ZELINSKY TO DO THE RIGHT THING!” Later, Ambassador Sondland said that I told him, “Good, go tell the truth!” This Witch Hunt must end NOW. So bad for our Country! (Well, I want something, Donnie. I want a favor, though. And so do the majority of the people on this planet. In fact, the planet it self wants the same thing. Try mixing some heroin with your Adderall, lots of heroin, way too much heroin, big pharmaceutically pure uncut heroin. Make it a family party. You’ve always emulated Goebbels…)35. September 23, 2019: She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see. (Classy, Donnie. You think you’re mocking Greta Thunberg but it’s more like you’re mocking yourself or your own reputation which is already so ridiculous that that’s hardly even possible at this point. Greta’s got more brains in her pinky (which may be bigger than yours) than you have in your whole bloated carcass. Yeah, Donnie. Greta’s got a future, a future with darker skies, ever-increasing temperatures, and who knows what in the water. One of the best things about Greta’s future though is that you won’t be in it.)36. December 12, 2019: So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill! (She’s really gotten under your orange skin hasn’t she, Donnie! You are the one with an anger management problem, and so much more! Sad! You flipped out ‘cause you didn’t get the Time Magazine cover. Chill, Donnie. You can make another fake one! Oh, and Greta is a million times more the role model for young people than you’ll ever be, not that that matters to you. Be Best? Right.)***************On November 24, 2017, Trump had become aware that he wasn’t going to be Time’s Person Of The Year. His response was to very childishly claim, via tweet, of course, that;

“Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named ‘Man (Person) of the Year,’ like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!”

So, apparently, Trump thought he could compel Time to guarantee that he would be “Man (Person) of the year” by telling them that “probably is no good.” In other words the “stable genius” with “unmatched wisdom” negotiated himself out of any chance of being “Man (Person) of the year for 2017. The art of the deal indeed! And, can you imagine Trump turning down “a major photo shoot” or the attention that he lives for that would go with being named “Man (Person) of the year,” not to mention having a bigly pile of nice, new 8 X10 glossies to show all his friends and sign as merchandize for his maga swag operation? No. Either the possibility never existed back in 2017 or, as I mentioned, it existed but he blew it with his genius tactics. Either way he’s lying as always. Maybe the phone call was even initiated by him. Maybe it began with “I need a favor.” Remember, this is a clown that makes fake magazine covers of himself even though he actually was once named Person Of The Year.” It just wasn’t enough for a man whose massive insecurities rule him and make him need to be Man (Person) of the Year every year. You can even see him trying to persuade Time that they should do the “award” twice a year and he should be named both times.In this very real context, it’s easy to see how Trump would totally freak out upon finding he’d lost out to a 16 year-old girl. Not only that but lost out to one who was chosen for bringing attention to a cause that he and his party despise and label a hoax, even at the peril of the world. And, the idea that he’d lost out to “a girl” must be incomprehensible to him. So, he mocks her. He mocks her for so many reasons, not the least of which is that she has a disability. She’s everything his kind fear. She’s smart, compelling, and, she’s overcome something that he sees as disqualifying and worthy of mockery and abuse. Trump’s reaction to Greta is the White House view of young women in a nutshell. You didn’t see them rushing to the press to “clarify” his remarks, did you, just as they had no problem when he made his heinous comments about the recently deceased Rep. John Dingell just last week. It’s who they are. It’s what he is. It’s all part of the republican manly essence.When you read Trump’s tweets, it’s hard not to hear his voice speaking them. His voice is alternately threatening and goofy but always dangerous. His voice is always oddly tuned. Imagine a singer with no sense of pitch singing out of his normal range with the leaps and strangled cries of a madman trying hard as he can to sound normal and losing the battle. Trump speaks in odd, arrhythmic patterns as if his brain is fading back and forth between two realities or universes as he tries to form sentences or phrases for this one. He is out of phase. He comes across to our universe in staggered thoughts and odd inhuman remarks that do indeed resemble the odd and random remarks that one might see on a psychiatrist’s note pad. Trump is the stuff of an old “Outer Limits” episode. Unfortunately, we’ve been swept along for the ride.