Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: New NSA Whistleblower Fears for Her Life

Peter B. Collins presents Karen Stewart
After 28 years at the National Security Agency, Karen Stewart was fired in 2010 and continues to face retaliation that she fears will lead to her death. After filing a complaint with the Inspector General in 2006 about a workplace dispute, Stewart endured harassment, home invasions and false claims that she was delusional and paranoid; her security clearance was pulled, then she was terminated with a gag order. In 2015, she discovered that the man who broke into her house was a high-level NSA manager, and payback resumed with obvious 24/7 team surveillance, just like they do on TV. Her most alarming claim is that she is being targeted with Directed Energy Weapons beamed in from nearby homes, and fears that ongoing exposure will lead to cancer or seizures that could be fatal.
*Karen Stewart joined the NSA in 1982, and enjoyed positive job ratings and promotions to GS-12 before her report to the Inspector General. She lives near Tallhassee, Florida and is pursuing a new career as an artist.
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