Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Fight for Release of 28-Page 9/11 Report Drags On

Peter B. Collins Presents Sam Oakford
Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband died at the World Trade Center, is still waiting for President Obama to keep his promise to release a key 28-page memo from the first Congressional inquiry into 9/11. Bill Doyle, whose son also died in New York that day, quotes Obama in 2011 “Bill, I will get those released.” VICE News contributor Sam Oakford explains a bipartisan effort in the House to pressure Obama to fully release the documents, and gives quotes from people who have read the full report, which is expected to confirm payments to some of the alleged 9/11 hijackers from the Saudi government or members of the royal family.
*Samuel Oakford is the UN Correspondent of Inter Press Service, and wrote this story for VICE News.
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