Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: 13 Questions About San Bernardino Bloodbath

Key points of the official narrative of the December 2 incidents in San Bernardino produce critical questions, or are contradicted by other information. The FBI director and a lawyer for the family of the suspects agree that “a number of things in this case don’t make sense”. But that hasn’t stopped James Comey from using unverified Facebook posts or unproven claims that the couple were “radicalized” before they married to define them as inspired, but not directed by Daesh. Live coverage presented at least 2 eyewitnesses who described 3 tall, white, male shooters, but the corporate media accepts the police version of two shooters, including a 5-foot-3, 90-pound female. My 13 questions are listed below, with links to source material.
13 Big Questions
What happened to the 3rd shooter described by eyewitnesses during live coverage?
Eyewitness accounts of 3 tall, male, white shooters seem to eliminate Tashfeen Malik, who was 90 pounds and about 5-foot-3? Video clips are here and the amateur “false flag” reporters’ video is here
How did the “active shooter” drill transform into a massive deployment of law enforcement, was it related to active shooter drill 11/30 at Victor Valley College? Local newspaper report here
The Facebook post where Malik allegedly “pledged allegiance” to al-Baghdadi is treated as fact, based on anonymous government and Facebook sources…can we see proof?
We’re told the FB post was made at or near the start of the shooting, but we are also told that Malik had a burner phone without apps or internet access…how’d she do it?
With no evidence, FBI Director Comey asserts that the couple was “radicalized” before Malik came to the US and married Farook. Will they disclose the sources?
News chopper video of final scene is very different from dramatic photos with hood raised and shot up windshield….where are the dashcam videos? Newschopper video is here
Why do photos show Farook lying dead, face down, with handcuffs on?
Corporate media is following up on Farook’s friend Enrique Marquez, Walmart worker who bought the 2 semi-automatic rifles, why does it ignore other issues?
Family attorney David Chesley joins FBI Director Comey in saying “It doesn’t add up” and mentions Sandy Hook as a precedent; corporate media dismisses Chesley’s Sandy Hook reference as “truther” bullshit, obscures his key objections. Why?
Corporate media detailed the apparent conflict between Farook and co-worker Nicholas Thalasinos as a “pro-Israel messianic Jewish Christian…really?
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