Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: “Secret Reports Reveal Secrets”

Peter B. Collins Presents Philip Giraldi
CIA veteran Philip Giraldi expands on his recent commentary about what we learn from our government’s illusions of secrecy. Terrorism has declined sharply, according to the state department; yet NSA dragnet surveillance is justified by exaggerated threats. The Senate report on torture has been suppressed for more than a year by the CIA, but we know it catalogs criminal behavior and concludes that no valuable intelligence was extracted from men who were tortured. And the notorious “Saudi memo” about the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11 recently gained new attention from members of Congress who read the complete 28-page memo, yet many who have questioned the Saudi role or other obvious flaws in the official narrative are dismissed as “truthers”. We open with comments on Ed Snowden and recent revelations, after 42 years, of the whistleblowers who broke into an FBI office, then leaked the Cointelpro documents to the media, prompting some major investigations and reforms.
Philip Giraldi is a former CIA and DIA counter-terrorism officer, member of the American Conservative Defense Alliance, and contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine.

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