Processing Distortion: “Scrutinizing the FBI’s “Domestic Terrorism” Cases–Most Are Tainted”

Peter B. Collins Presents Trevor Aaronson
The Terror Factory is an important new book by journalist Trevor Aaronson who conducted a careful review of more than 500 cases of so-called “domestic terrorism” since 9/11, and found a pattern of infiltration by an army of 15,000 FBI informants into Muslim communities. In many cases, these informants were paid to entrap suspects and provoke plots that were often suggested by the informants. We talk about the case of Mansour Arbabsiar, who allegedly tried to kill the Saudi Ambassador in an improbable plot that was clumsily linked to Iran, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces and their coordination with local law enforcement agencies and DHS Fusion Centers, and discuss the expired term of FBI Director Mueller and his newly-installed successor, James Comey.
* You can find out more on this topic at Aaronson’s website.
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