Processing Distortion: “The Spin-Up to a Probable US Military Assault on Syria”

Peter B. Collins Presents Norman Solomon
Here’s the first episode of our new podcast series, Processing Distortion, hosted by Peter B. Collins.  Author/activist Norman Solomon talks about the spin-up to a probable US military assault on Syria, and the role of the media.  Solomon wrote the book War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us Into War, and compares the current script to the one used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and earlier misadventures.  We discuss the reporting in the alleged use of chemical weapons near Damascus on August 21, and the strong possibility that they were not deployed by the Syrian army.  We talk about the potential retaliation from a US strike, and that polls show very strong opposition.  We cover the recent embassy shutdowns, used to justify NSA spying programs and Solomon talks about the importance of whistleblowers like Ed Snowden and Chelsea Manning.
*Solomon helped lead recent protests against the votes of Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Mike Thompson in opposition to the Amash amendment, which proposed to de-fund NSA’s telephone record collection programs–and was narrowly defeated.  We mention recent calls by Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) to (respectively) abolish the NSA and repeal the Patriot Act and FISA 2008 law.
Norman Solomon is a columnist, author and activist and founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy.  He is a founder of Progressive Democrats of America and website is
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