Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Unaccountable Insanity Called “US Foreign Aid”!

This is a brief introductory presentation to my coming series on the farce called “USA Foreign Aid.” I discuss our majority being clueless on- where Kazakhstan is, and who gets our tax dollars, aka ‘US Foreign Aid’ there? How was our $60 billion aid spent in Egypt? How come Israel gets all these billions every year, when we are pondering the rising poverty rate in the US and many without healthcare? Why are we bombing Pakistan every day, sending drone after drone to hit them, and then, turning around and giving them billions of dollars every year?
In our next few episodes I will delve deeper into facts, context and history when it comes to this unaccountable insanity called “US Foreign Aid.”
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Listen to the full audio version here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Show Notes
Seventy-five percent of U.S. foreign military financing goes to two countries
Top 10 Recipients of United States Foreign Aid
A Spectacular Palace Fit For A King but Which King? Israeli Architects Erect Stunning Palace in Nigeria
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants to Kazakhstan
The World’s Most Enduring Dictator -Kazakhstan
Billionaire Nazarbayev’s Net worth
Kanye West picks up $3million for performing at wedding of dictator's grandson
Kazakhstan: Human Rights Report
US Security Aid to Israel May Increase to $5 Billion a Year
Here’s How Much US Really Spends on Israel’s Defense
Israel War Crimes
US Aid to Pakistan
America Gives Aid to Pakistan, Pakistan Gives Terrorism To The World