Is Police Brutality Really A Race Issue?

Since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis was caught on camera, we have seen worldwide hysteria blaming the tragedy on something called racism, systemic racism, or institutional racism. George Floyd was of course black while the man with the boot on his neck was white. So that makes the incident racial?
Here are two clips from different locations which totally destroy this frankly ludicrous narrative. The next two clips show what the United States can expect if it totally defunds the police.
The first is from South Africa in 2013. A taxi driver is handcuffed to the back of a police van then dragged along by the vehicle. Later he was found dead in his cell at the local police station. This was a horrible spectacle with a horrible outcome. And not a white face in sight.
This second clip, from August 2018, shows a black police officer in Baltimore losing it with a man who appears to have done nothing wrong, and certainly nothing to deserve that. The second police officer present tried to restrain his colleague without success. Arthur Williams resigned shortly after the video went viral, and the following June although cleared of first-degree assault, he was convicted of second-degree assault. The victim’s injuries included a fractured jaw.
Williams claimed he had acted in self-defence, but the judge didn’t buy it, and he received a complex sentence which included nine months of prison time. Some would call that lenient. Again, this was an incident of wanton police brutality with not a white face in sight.
We are constantly hearing about how racist is American justice. Here is Kenyan justice; a man accused of stealing a motor cycle is beaten senseless. If the police hadn’t turned up, he would have been murdered.
The fourth clip shows a similar incident from Nigeria.
What was that about lynching being an American tradition?
Of course, angry crowds don’t always react so; you can find countless videos on YouTube of citizens arrests, heroism, or simple acts of kindness to strangers. But the prosaic fact is that a police presence is needed in society; think of it as a necessary evil. And race has nothing to do with it.
The post Is Police Brutality Really A Race Issue? appeared first on The Duran.
