PBC News & Comment: In Talk From Oval Office, Obama Pleases None

Responding to San Bernardino shooting, Obama calls for calm and rejects hysteria and US boots in Syria—but fearmongers prevail….--Obama calls shooting “terrorist incident” and says we don’t hate Muslims; but he accepts the frame based on sketchy evidence, calls for gun laws and visa restrictions that wouldn’t have prevented it
--FBI director and Farook family lawyer agree that many aspects of the case so far “don’t make sense”
--corporate media edits its own narrative from live coverage: where is 3rd shooter? Could 90-pound Malik be confused with tall, white shooter? Why were their dead bodies handcuffed? What about the active shooter drill reports, and the rabidly anti-Muslim co-worker?  Read the WillyLoman blog mentioned, here.
--NY Times runs gun control editorial on front page, first time in 95 years
--Supreme Court declines case challenging assault weapons ban in Illinois
--in Chicago, video of another police shooting will be released, as report shows that 5 other cops supported the lies of officer van Dyke in McDonald killing
--in France, right wing party gains in local elections
--in Venzuela, Chavez-Maduro socialists sustain big losses in legislature election
--Turkey and Iraq feud over Turkish troops deployed to Iraq
--Israeli court sentences Palestinian lawmaker to 15 months in jail
--Netanyahu responds strongly to Kerry comment about 2-state solution, and Swedish official’s condemnation of “extrajudicial executions” of Palestinians