Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Sunday... And it is time once again for my weekend rant..I did one heck of a rant yesterday covering the bullshit "rally" that had taken place in front of the Manitoba Legislative building in downtown Winnipeg, where some 20000 MORONS with brains of mosquito pee went and "rallied" in support of COMMUNIST run Antifa led and George Soros funded "Black Lives Matter".....I found that to be so disgusting and I blew off some steam and let it all out in yesterday's rant about this disgusting travesty....And I found out late yesterday that there was indeed a REAL rally and protest march that took place just yesterday in front of the Manitoba Legislature once again, only this time it was for a TRUE and most worthy cause being the fraud Lockdowns and "pandemic" that we are still being subjected to...Now for the interesting parts about yesterday's protest march... Supposedly the Legislative "security" that was at that building yesterday during that real protest informed those in attendance that they could not gather in a group any larger than "50" people and that they all had to practice "social distancing" or they would be fined heavily.....OK, does anyone see the hypocrisy here?  The massive rally by braindead stupid people on Friday night at the Legislative building had 20000 people, and NONE were informed or subjected to the "laws" expecting them to be under "50" people or they would be fined... And further, NONE of them practiced the fraud of "social distancing" as well.... And yet on Saturday, the fucking security at that same building demanded adherence to the "laws"???   To me, this is the biggest load of bullshit hypocrisy that has come out of this fraud pandemic.... What?  The "COVID-19 virus" took a break on Friday and those at that stupid moronic "rally" for the WORSE cause imaginable were suddenly immune to this 'virus'???    And where were Premier Brian Pallister's hired goons and the Winnipeg Police to enforce these stupid laws on Friday, and yet enforce them suddenly the next day???? Yes, what indeed just happened here in Winnipeg Manitoba over the weekend is to me such a failing of human beings, as most here in Manitoba are apparently too stupid for their own good and have indeed fallen for the massive brainwashing by the Jewish controlled media, to actually use common sense and do some research into Antifa and the lying bag of shit called "Black Lives Matter"....  I for one had believed that we were gaining ground and that there was hope for humanity.. But all I see now is  total despair..... I honestly want to say to the fucking idiots that went to that bullshit rally on Friday that I do hope they enjoy their enslavement, for that is what is coming if this bullshit "Black Lives Matter" crapola wins out and destroys our nations...Many have asked me how I know "Black Lives Matter" is a fraud?   I keep telling people to look up the facts that criminal group is fully funded by "Antifa" which in turn is run by none other than George Schwartz aka "George Soros"..... And when anyone takes the time to sit down and research George Soros aka "Doctor Evil", they will find pages and pages of material covering his horrendous crimes against humanity...First of all, This Soros maniac has been the one who opened the flood gates in Europe a few years back to allow every scumbag and piece of shit from third world shit holes to come flooding into European nations and thus destroy European culture.... His funding of so many groups and his throwing of Jewish money at so many criminal governments in Europe has allowed that travesty to occur, and right now we see the fruits of that maniac's efforts as Europe is a complete mess with so many illegal migrants controlling cities and turning them into sewers.......Second.. I want readers to look at this picture and "read it and weep" for this comes right from this maniac's own lips:Do people actually now get it?   This man is the epiphany of pure evil... And here he is in America and now in Canada funding criminal groups that are for nothing but the overthrow of nations...  And this fucker's words are right there where he says he is funding Black Hate Groups such as this bullshit "Black Lives Matter"!   I honestly have to shake my head when I see the stupidity of people out there that simply will not even bother to see reality staring them right in their faces, no matter what you show to them!And of course we have the dumb asses out there that are suddenly "kneeling" for "support" of this "Black Lives Matter" evil..... Kneeling is nothing more than a form of subjugation and surrender!  People that kneel are to me nothing but again some of the dumbest people imaginable and those who have NO critical thinking skills at all...... I for one would NEVER EVER kneel to anyone or any group, for to me that is so pathetic and show weakness and retardation.... Instead I am under the firm belief that it is far better to stand on your feet and FIGHT for your rights and freedoms rather than to kneel in servitude to pure evil!I honestly have had enough of the COVID-19 bullshit, and it has to end now.... I have already gone over so many times at this blog about how "social distancing", "wearing face masks" and even "we are all in this together" bullshit, that I need not even bother to cover those acts of sheer stupidity in this rant... Instead I once again want to focus in on the REAL crisis that is happening right now in regards to these continuing lock downs.... That is of course the pain and suffering from those who suffer from depression and have already killed themselves through suicide, or are planning to do so shortly...Lets again have a reality check here.... The fuckers running this "pandemic scam" are still out there trying to pump up their "number of dead" from this bullshit disease by still claiming anyone anywhere that has died from anything is to be labeled as "died from COVID-19"... But even those fraud numbers will pale in comparison to the vast number of those who will have killed themselves as a result of the heavy brainwashing and manipulation by the Jewish controlled media thanks to this "virus"......I have been watching for the "numbers" of those who have killed themselves through suicide and no shock to me that the fuckers in charge have REFUSED to release any of those numbers.... IMHO, when the truth does come out and we find this number through suicide to be so many times MORE than the total from this fraud "pandemic" there should be hell to pay..... I have made it my goal to hold the provincial government here in Manitoba fully responsible for every single death by suicide and to have them all pay for that travesty, and I am going to keep that as one of my primary goals.....Well... I figure I have spent enough time in tackling both of these frauds, but there is so much else going on in the world that has been so sadly missed with these scams grabbing all the headlines...For example, tomorrow marks the 53rd anniversary of the heinous  and most criminal attack by the psychotic state of Israel against the American surveillance vessel called the "USS Liberty" in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea north of the Sinai peninsula..... On that fateful day, the Israelis launched an unprovoked attack on the Liberty first with rockets from Mirage 3 fighter bombers and then subsequently by both planes and boats in an attempt to sink the Liberty and have the attack blamed on Egypt just to get the Americans to come into the '6 day war' of Israeli conquest on the side of the criminal Israelis.... But luckily the ship did not sink and the American fucker of a President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, had a problem on his hands in working magic to cover up that assault... 171 sailors on board the Liberty were wounded by the attacks by the sicko Israelis as well as 34 sailors dead, and the cover up of that  murderous attack started right after it was over and does continue to this very day...... So much has already been written by myself in previous articles about the attack on the Liberty, and I have long concluded with facts that it was a pre-meditated attack and fully planned out by BOTH the Israelis and the Americans... The American government was fully complicit in the attack for the fact that when the attack started, the radio antennae arrays on the Liberty were jammed purposely by the Israelis using codes supplied by the Americans!  That and when the first messages got out that the Liberty was indeed under attack, the USS America was north of the Liberty position and it quickly launched an entire squadron of F4 Phantoms towards the Liberty AND towards Egypt... Four of those Phantoms enroute to Egypt carried 'special ordinance' meaning NUCLEAR WEAPONS... The sick plan by President Johnson and the sicko Israelis was to use the sinking of the Liberty by the "Egyptians" for the Americans to have their excuse to NUKE Cairo!   But after the first reports came out from the Liberty itself that was able to jerry-rig a working radio antennae, that it was the Israelis carrying out the attack, all of the Phantoms were quickly recalled to the America and thus possible World War III had been averted!I always knew the attack on the Liberty was NOT a "mistake" as what has always been claimed by the liars in the US and the sickos in Israel... It was a horrible master plan preplanned to have the US come into the war in the Middle East and destroy Israel's enemies.... And again, it could have triggered World War III against the USSR that was indeed allies of the Arabic nations that opposed Israel at that time....  I have NO doubts in my assertions as being factual, and I for one will continue to support the still alive survivors of the Liberty that to this day have not received their due justice...AND in regards to the sickness of Israel itself, I am still peeved that there has been little to NO news about their plans to start annexing illegally the entire West Bank region on July 1st of this year with the initial grab of the Jordan Valley region next to the Jordan River..... Few people are even aware of this heinous crime which includes the  FACT that when the sickos in Israel are done, they will have incorporated nearly 3 Million Palestinians into their "Greater Israel" sicko project... And the most ghastly aspect of this entire crime is the fact that the fuckers in Israel will NOT allow the Palestinians to have ANY RIGHTS at all in their new "super state"!  The criminal sickos in charge of Israel have stated boldly that ALL Palestinians will not have rights as citizens at all, but will be  "subjects" instead in Israel... The real interpretation of this term "subject" is actually SLAVE..... YES, readers, all of the Palestinians will be subhuman even in the new Jewish psycho state of Israel and will be nothing more than slaves, or serfs, at best...... THIS is why I have always said that there is NO hope for any real peace in Palestine as long as the criminal state of Israel exists with its psychosis in place.... The ONLY future possible for all of the Palestinians is to FIGHT and to fight back against these monsters with everything they have.... It is better for the Palestinian people to fight standing for their cause rather than to surrender on their knees with NO future!I have come under a lot of attack recently by readers saying that I should not use 'cuss words' when I write my articles.... My reply to them is 'FUCK THAT'!  For I will not back down in calling a spade a spade, or to show the arrogance, ignorance, or stupidity, of anyone.... I speak my mind here, and if people do not see that to be true and accept the fact that I will not surrender to 'political correctness' bullshit, then they can go fuck themselves and leave..... It pisses me off that people still try to shoot the messenger, meaning moi, rather than read and understand the message..... AND for those who may suddenly think of me as being 'racist', I have news for them; The Jewish criminals invented that term back in the late 19th century as well as the fraud of "antisemitism" purposely as a method of controlling the Gentiles..... Heck, when will people realize that if you do look at 'racism' closely in terms of hating other races, then look no further than at the Jewish criminals themselves as the ultimate racists that HATE EVERYONE ELSE.....I have spewed long enough, and once again have had to get so much off my chest in terms of the criminal bullshit that we have all endured over these last few weeks.... And of course I have left so much else that I have not discussed, and I will touch on those other subjects here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits"..........Yesterday marked the 76th anniversary of "D-Day" and I honestly, knowing what I know about the true history of the Second World War, will not slur the brave men that fought on that  day for what they believed was a 'worthy cause'.  But knowing the truth about the second World War, suffice to say that for those who invaded France on that day, they all fought on the wrong side and NOT for the cause of freedom at all!........There is still a "civil war" in Libya that is not being discussed by the Jewish controlled media at all.  But in terms of the real fighting, apparently the LNA forces that have been attempting for months now to seize the national capital of Tripoli have failed miserably.  And the governing "GNA" forces have pushed back against the LNA and have made considerable gains in their attempts to retake all of Libya itself.  But this war will continue, as both sides are nothing more than "proxies" that are being supported by many nations around the planet, and as a result the death toll by innocent Libyan civilians will continue to climb!..... Further east, it did not take long for the ludicrous 'peace agreement' between the US and the Taliban in Afghanistan to fall apart, especially with reports this last week that the US has once again bombed Taliban positions and thus throwing away any 'agreement'.   The US is not going to be leaving Afghanistan any time soon, apparently.....Meanwhile, in Syria, there is still just minor skirmishes in the Idlib pocket region as both the US run terrorist proxy forces in the pocket are continuing to be rearmed and repositioned for possible assaults on both the key M4 and M5 motorways that link Aleppo city to Syrian government controlled areas in the south of Syria.  I still say the Syrian government forces should say screw any more ceasefires and finish the job by eliminating the Idlib pocket once and for all...... No real change in the war in Yemen, as the Houthi forces continue their push back against the reeling Saudi forces.  I am still waiting for when the criminal Saudis will have had enough and actually come out and sue for peace from the Houthis.  I again can not emphasize enough that the Houthis should demand a king's ransom in terms of any agreement with those bastards considering how many Yemen civilians they have genocided.....Anyone else notice that the Demon-rat Communists are trying to deflect all of the criticisms and stupidity of Joe Biden by fully supporting the 'race riots' that are still happening across America?  Obviously those treasonous lunatics realize that they cannot usurp President Drumpf come this November, so they are resorting to overthrow of the US government through this race war that they in fact have created and supported!  Hopefully Americans can see this as reality and will seek that every Demon-rat in power be charged with sedition and treason!.........A continuing "lull before the storm" in regards to Venezuela, as the Americans are still licking their wounds from their failed overthrow of the Caracas government last month using their "mercenaries".   Meanwhile, the US still continues to strangle Venezuela to death economically with their continuing "blockade" of that nation in a vain attempt to get the Venezuelan people to either overthrow the government themselves or possibly starve to death!.........  Criminal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to strangle my own country, Canada, with his continuing demands for lockdowns and restrictions nationwide due to the fraud "pandemic", and now that sick fuck is pushing for more taxpayer money to be spent on a ludicrous 'back to work' plan that will incorporate ludicrous 'new normal" stupidity that will only further strangle businesses in this nation.  And the Canadian people are still somehow supporting this criminal and his bullshit globalist agenda???.........No shock here, as there is still not an independent investigation being launched into that Nova Scotia "false flag" shooting that occurred just a few weeks ago.  And no wonder, for the truth is that everything about that false flag points towards a criminal preplanned operation with the Canadian government fully involved!.........AND yes, the fuckers out there are now pushing heavily this 'second wave' of this fraud pandemic everywhere in the Jewish controlled media, which means that a 'second wave' is definitely coming that will surely destroy what is left of our already battered economy.  When will people finally wake the fuck up here???....... Soccer is definitely coming back, but I am still against the prospects of teams playing in front of empty stadiums in England.  I say enough of the pandemic nonsense, and lets get back to having players play in front of REAL fans everywhere!.......I see that the two wastes of flesh and useless eaters, Meaghan and Harry, are trying to make themselves relevant this last week as Meaghan has suddenly come out and talked openly about the 'abuses' she face from "racism" while in high school.  Honestly, I just wish that useless piece of garbage would just go away........ And finally, the real wastes of humanity, the trollops and skanks in Kardashian stupidity, were also trying to go with the Black Lives Matter bullshit, as Kanye West came out in support of that evil group last week.  Trying to grab a few headlines like the trolls they are?  You bet!  But of course so many stupid Americans will run with their continuing horse shit as usual.....More to comeNTS