Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 6th, 2015

 Yes, it is that time again... Time for my weekly rant where I again give my spin on what is really happening in our sick world and definitely piss off some people out there....It has been a weird winter in these parts of central Canada over the last few weeks.. There was of course the seasonal weather patterns where temperatures were near or below normal, and then suddenly this last week the temperatures have shot up to well above normal... But this is NOT due to the fraud of "Global Warming" and is not anything unusual.... Winter is still coming and in spite of the lies from the scam artists behind the "Global Warming" fraud, the planet is still on a definite cooling trend....Honestly, I am sick and tired of the nut cases who continue to spew the lies that we must do something about "climate change" and therefore accept the fraud of "carbon taxation"... The Paris "COP21" (Again, has anyone else noticed how that title is strangely reminiscent of the "Agenda 21" criminal program?) conferences are now over and our nations have all now decided that they would all impose "carbon taxes" on their citizens and therefore fleece the populace of their earnings....The real laugher and ludicrous aspect of that "conference" was the fact that all of the national leaders went to Paris in their expensive "carbon producing" jet planes (President Soetoro's Air Force One aircraft alone produced more carbon emissions than some 31 homes in America would in a year on its flight to Paris alone!) and then had the audacity to talk about cutting CO2 outputs?   I must again state that conference was a sham and the real agenda was absolutely not to "cut carbon emissions" but to create the groundwork for the long planned one world government.....But of course the world's media attention was diverted (no coincidence) away from the fraud Paris Conference to the happenings in both the Middle East and of course another fake shooting in America...It should have not been a shock to anyone to find out that Turkey was fully involved in the illegal theft of Syrian oil and that Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's own family was both running and profiting from the scam..... Erdogan basically got caught and had the nerve to say to the world that if the facts come out that Turkey was indeed involved in the ISIS oil scam, that he would resign.. Well, even though it would be nice to see a crooked politician, and even a dictator like Erdogan, keep his promise, it is apparent that Erdogan is not going to resign even with all the proof coming forward....I can guarantee that if Erdogan is exposed for his part in the ISIS oil scam and feels threatened by his own people suddenly rising up against his crooked government, he would simply impose martial law on the nation to keep in power.....But the "Genie is now out of the bottle" so to speak and we find that so many nations, including the United States itself, have all been involved in the illegal theft of Syrian oil under the fraud of "ISIS"... And we find out that this theft has been going on now for years.... It is no wonder that people now are looking more closely at the United States and its crooked government's involvement considering that they and Israel run the fraud of "ISIS".....It is absolutely no shock to me when the reports are all coming out now showing that the illegally stolen Syrian oil was loaded into tankers on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey and shipped directly to Israel itself... All that anyone has to do is take into account the fact that the Jews do control America and they of course would want the Syrian oil for themselves... This is why the US has worked so hard in keeping the general public in the dark about the real truths about ISIS's oil refineries and their shipping oil out of Syria in long convoys that were never ever bombed by the US in years!Yes, the Russians have definitely done the entire world a big favour in exposing the massive American lies about their involvement in Syria... The real news reports coming out of Syria via alternative press shows definitely the fact that thanks to Russia's help, the forces of the good guys aka the Syrian-Iraqi-Hezbollah-Lebanese alliance have been winning back large areas of Syria over the last few weeks and definitely have what is left of the fraud "ISIS" forces and of course the "moderate rebels" on the run... The cities of Homs, and Aleppo, that had been under siege for months are now free, and Syrian government forces are now moving into areas of eastern Syria itself... Then we have the reports of the Russians and Syrians making a new alliance with the Kurds, and it appears that without direct NATO and US intervention, the sick and twisted desire to have Bashar al Assad removed from power and Syria destroyed in the process, will come to an end...... We can all only hope....It is shocking to me that people are still under the false belief that our nations must absorb so called "Syrian refugees" when in reality the vast majority of these "refugees" would rather go home to Syria and other nations of the Middle East than come here... Lets face the real facts here... The Syrian "refugee crisis" was created by the United States and Israel as part of their sick plan to have the people removed from Syria to make way for their "Greater Israel" project.... That and the flooding of "refugees" into Europe was always part of their second criminal plan to use these "refugees" as a method of destroying European nations themselves... Must I again remind everyone that it costs MONEY to have all of these "refugees" transported into Europe?  And lo and behold we again find none other than that super criminal Jew, George Soros, and his so called "organizations" as the ones spearheading and paying for these "refugees" to flood into Europe!  I have said it before and I will state it again; The Jews have always wanted to see Europe destroyed by destroying the European nations' identities (and our own as well here in North America) by using "refugees" and of course illegal migrant workers from Africa, as the catalyst to "pollute" these nations.... It is written right in the Jewish master plan, their "Protocols" and they are carrying out these plans right to the letter.... What better way to destroy a nation rather than using weapons of mass destruction by instead using refugees and migrants as a weapon of destruction?.......I again dare anyone to come forward and show me where I am wrong in that statement.....Honestly, what more is there to really say about the fake shooting in San Bernardino California?  It is so laughable that the government and the media have been so caught up in their own lies that they have sought anything they can to vilify the two Muslim "patsies" that were used to be the "'gunmen" for that staged event..... Over the last several days we have watched as the media has been going into overdrive with their brainwashing attempts to pump the lies of "Muslim radicals" and "muslim jihadists" at the American people.... Sadly there are still too many  people living in the once free United States that will swallow this bullshit.....But the facts are that the San Bernardino "shooting" is actually coming unraveled even faster than their previous fraud shootings... As I showed in my last reports, the so called "car chase" with the black SUV driven by the supposed husband and wife "gunmen" (Yes shooters do drive Black SUV's .. Right???) was so pathetic.. The "chase" for starters was obviously staged,  and the SUV going right into a hornet's nest of SWAT teams and police at that intersection in San Bernardino shows definitely a set up and a well planned ahead event..... Then we have the information that the husband and wife "jihadists" were already dead and tied up behind the front seat of the SUV which means the entire "chase" and "gun battle" were entirely staged...Many have speculated that the SUV was remote controlled (gives credibility to the slow "car chase" scenario) and was driven right into that staged gun battle set up......And the laugher was in the photos of the supposed SUV at that "gun battle" which when released to the public were actually taken at two different spots!  Did the planners of that staged event not like the first spot for the obvious photo op, and decided to move down the road to do another take???  Others have also pointed out that not only are the scenes wrong, but the lighting is all wrong showing that the pictures were taken at much different times of day!  Yes, the instigators behind these faked shootings are indeed getting more sloppy with each new fraud.. The trouble is that the majority of Americans still do not get it at all and will blindly believe anything the Jew spew media fills their empty heads with... The real disaster will be when the US Government finally succeeds in their gun ban legislation and strips the American public of their last line of defense from their tyranny.....And of course the fake shooting in California has again diverted the public attention away from major  happenings elsewhere in the world... As I said before in previous rants, the Ukrainian government has now put their army, equipped with the latest high tech killing machines and weapons (bought and paid for by American taxpayers), into the front lines against the civilians of the Donets eastern provincial region.. These forces will very soon (possibly as soon as this week) be unleashed and yes it will be a blood bath for the civilians in these eastern provinces who's only crime was to vote in a free referendum to decide their future was not with the US puppet regime in Kiev..... When the Ukrainian army marches in and starts killing civilians by the thousands, the big question will be what the Russian Federation will do?   We will indeed find out soon enough, and I do fear that this could also be, just like Syria, another trigger point for a much bigger regional if not global war.....Tomorrow marks the 74th anniversary of the false flag attack on America at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.   The United States definitely used Pearl Harbor as the bait to get into the second World War via the "backdoor" of having Japan strike the blow..... The proof can be seen by anyone by just reading the "McCollum Report" that is available online and lays out in great detail how the US can move the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor and use it as the cheese for the bait for the Japanese navy to attack.... It is still so sad that most Americans still cannot see how some 2400 innocent men and women were sacrificed on that fateful day just so their crooked President, Franklin Delano Rosenfeld (real name of Roosevelt) can get America into his nice little war to primarily have Germany destroyed.   And yet throughout the history of America, all we see is false flag after false flag......One thing before I get onto my last minute tidbits... I have been asked again why I have such a negative impression of Donald Trump.... I have long said that Trump himself may give the impression of being a 'self made' billionaire and that he does not answer to others, but the reality is that he could not have become the rich man he is today without absolutely kissing Jewish butt and sucking up to the Jewish elite... Then we have the recent statement that Trump made where he claims that he has proof that "muslims" were celebrating and cheering the morning of September 11th, 2001 as the Israeli Mossad carried out their sinister 9-11 attacks on America... Even "the Donald" cannot be that stupid and he must definitely know that it was NOT Muslims that were celebrating, but actually the Israeli Mossad (the 5 dancing Israelis who "filmed the event") that were whooping it up as the planes slammed into the World Trade Centre... THIS is no coincidence and again shows that Donald Trump, in spite of his recent very truthful revelations about Turkey involved in stealing Syrian oil, is fully in bed with the Jewish power elite... Basically if Trump does succeed in becoming the next US President, it will be "business as usual" for the Jewish power that runs America....OK, onto my last minute tidbits.... Yes, we have the reports that Mossad agent, Mark Zuckerberg, is claiming that he is giving up 99% of his (fraud)wealth through the Israeli spy program called Facebook, to charity.  In reality, this crook is going to use these "charities" as a tax haven to avoid paying US taxes on his ill gotten wealth.   Yes, once a Jew, always a Jew........Bad enough the psycho Israelis are stealing Palestinian land, but while the world's attention has been diverted elsewhere, they have been killing Palestinians almost at will and getting away with their murders.  I am not shocked knowing that the Israelis want all of their stolen land for themselves and they want the Palestinians wiped out in the process........Someone asked my opinion about the US Government opening up all combat roles to women in the US armed forces.  To me this is all wrong, because in spite of the idea of "equality" between women and men, women are not suited for certain roles in real combat.  This is a fact, and if the feminists out there don't like my statement, too damn bad........NATO has moved some of its naval forces into the Black Sea last week, and I am just waiting for the Russians to do another demonstration of their electronic warfare capabilities on these ships like they did last year when they blinded the USS Donald Cook and sent it scurrying out of the Black Sea itself......OK, so the British have started their own air war against "ISIS" last week, and yet the reports show that they "bombed" an ISIS oil facility the day after the US claimed they "obliterated" that same field?  What were the British doing then?  Trying to make the rubble of that already destroyed oil facility fly even higher?.......Russia has stated this last week that they would not allow Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) food into the Russian Federation.  Good for the Russians.  It is too bad that my own nation, Canada, has already been poisoned by this GMO crap that is passed off as "food"........With the economies about to implode ( I suspect the criminals will try to wait until after this Christmas buying season) the US Government has targeted Retirement savings and Pension plans to somehow "boost" the economy and try in vain to avoid the collapse.  It is a fact that throughout history the last act of a dying crooked government is to fleece its own citizens.  And yes, history is definitely about to repeat itself...... Yes, there is a brutal war going on by Saudi Arabia against the poor nation of Yemen.  And yet the reports are not good for the Saudis as supposedly they have already spent some $60 Billion to try to crush the Yemeni people and supposedly they have lost thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks in the process.   Yemen has proven to not be the pushover the criminal Saudis had thought it would be, and indeed has given Saudi Arabia a bloody nose........ Has anyone else noticed that the fools in the "alternative media" that claimed Sandy Hook was real are strangely silent on the fraud San Bernardino shootings?  Are they afraid that if they come out and state that shooting was a hoax that it would have them shown to be the fools they truly are when it comes to the other fake shootings? The silence from the Spin doctor out of Chicago and the midget man out of Idaho are especially deafening.....Arsenal won a huge key game yesterday against Sunderland Black Cats by the score of 3-1.  A key victory for Arsenal, and with Manchester City losing to Stoke City, it puts the Gunners right near the top of the table.  Things are definitely looking up for the Gunners!......With so much on the go for me these last few weeks I have not had time for setting up Blogtalk for new Turbulent Times shows.  Priority does come first, and the shows have to wait a bit longer.........And finally, my usual shot at what Americans really care about, the lives of those trolls, skanks, and trollops, the Kardashians.  Yes, my favourite target, Kim, just gave birth to another boy yesterday.  And although the rumours were that the child would be named "South" the parents decided on "Easton".   So this is what will be in the news over the next while, instead of America's involvement in illegal wars and the economy going to hell.  Again, strangely, Americans do indeed love their Kardashians......More to comeNTS