Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 19th, 2018

Yes, it is Sunday... And here comes my weekly rant..I took yesterday as an "off day" to spend time with my mother who recently celebrated her 88th birthday... And to let everyone know, she is still there and has actually shown a lot of improvements since her bout this spring with breaking her hip bone... She is a stubborn person as usual and it has taken a lot of effort on the part of myself and the rest of her family to get her to eat properly and actually take care of herself... The only factor that is coming into play now is that she is showing signs of Dementia as she is so quickly to forget things and has a tougher time even recognizing people....The other thing I did yesterday was to spend time with friends at a barbeque.... It was a pretty good experience as I sat around having a few beers and talking shit with people that I have not seen in a while... Many were of course congregating in their own groups while others had their heads firmly planted in their smartphones being oblivious to the world around them and even the company of others.... I did sit back and listen to what everyone was saying, and the usual discussion of sports, entertainment, and of course politics constantly surfaced....It was interesting to hear so many different perspectives about the world around us, and yet again I was deeply troubled that so many people still DO NOT GET IT.... My ears especially burned when I listened to one person who of course thought he "knew it all" was talking about the state of the Middle East and especially Syria and Iran, and did not have a clue... He spewed a bit about the "Iranian threat with their nuclear weapons" bullshit and how eventually there will have to be a war to "stop them".... I again did not pipe in, as I have learned from experience that was nothing but folly and that most people now a days are too brainwashed by what the Jewish pricks fill their empty heads with.... I could only shake my head in disgust, and even my better half said to me to "just ignore him, as he does not have a clue"....Yes, we do have our work cut out for us today in trying to reach people with a reality check on what is really happening in our sick world.... I found out yesterday how much the propaganda and brainwashing via the Jew spew media still has its intense grip on our society and the minds of the sheep out there... It is a fact that there are fewer people out there with true "critical thinking" skills as most have indeed fallen prey to the evil concepts that to challenge authorities and the "facts" as presented by the liars in the media is somehow "taboo".... Many have indeed looked upon the writings of myself and others as nothing more than "hate speech" and blind themselves to actually sitting down and reading up first before spewing that illogical statement.... As I have stated so many times, the only people that we can reach these days are those who are 'sitting on the fence' and are willing to have open minds to the facts.... Everyone else is a hopeless case and basically and very sadly are a lost cause.....OK.... I have been watching this last week about how the spin doctors in the US have been working their magic in deflecting all blame for that slaughter of some 50+ innocent Yemen school children in that senseless school bus attack two weeks ago by the Saudi military.... But the evidence is crystal clear now that the US supplied both the weapons and the logistics for the Saudi military to launch that attack.... Yes, the criminals in the US State Department went out last week and stated that the attack was an "accident" and that there would be a full investigation into this "incident".... What we have here is the liars in the US Government working overtime now in trying to deflect all blame, and all I can say is good luck to that.... Everyone that has done their research by now can clearly see that the attack was 100% deliberate, and the US and Saudi Arabia are absolutely guilty of this heinous crime... But honestly, what will be done to see justice to the victims of this slaughter? NOTHING... For the US and so many countries are heavily tied to the Saudis because of their oil wealth and of course weapons dealings with that criminal nation...And what has really shocked me about that senseless attack in Yemen is how my own sicko government in Ottawa under that criminal Justin Trudeau has said absolutely zero about the Saudi involvement.... Apparently good ol' Justin is a two faced prick who on one hand claims the Saudis are in violation of "human rights" in Saudi Arabia while ignoring the slaughter of 50+ Yemen children by that regime.... And we can all see why, for the Canadian government has already received a "black eye" for their stance on "human rights violations" in Saudi Arabia where the Saudis reacted by threatening to close down the $15+ Billion dollar arms deal that Canada has signed with that criminal regime.... Now the idiots in the Canadian government are trying to "save face" as well as trying to save that arms deal agreement by saying ZERO about that Yemen incident.... The smell of hypocrisy here by the idiots in Ottawa is overwhelming indeed....AND of course we still have the Trudeau regime up here in Canuckleheadistan screaming "human rights" all over the world and claiming that Canada will continue with supporting the rights of people right across the globe, while continuing to IGNORE the incarceration of Monika and Alfred Schaefer, both Canadian citizens, who are still holed up in German jail cells on charges for nothing more than questioning "history"...... I have been appalled by the lack of any movement by Justin Trudeau to seek the release of these two who have had their own "human rights" violated by being held in Germany illegally..... It does show how Justin Trudeau is nothing more than a two faced prick and a liar that says one thing while doing something else... And the other sad part in all this is how the  Canadian people continue to be kept in the dark about the plight of the Schaefers by the criminal control of the Canadian media by the Jewish pricks that want to see the Schaefers locked up and put away forever for challenging their control and their lies......Well, there is not much to say these days about the ongoing war in Syria, other than the good guys, aka the Syrian government forces and their Russian/Arabic allies, continue to win all across that embattled nation... There is of course a "lull before the storm" in regards to the upcoming assault by the SAA and their allies against the last "rebel" held stronghold in the nation in and around the northwestern city of Idlib... But that assault is coming, and soon... .The troubling issue in the Idlib "pocket" has always been the status of neighboring Turkey, and how the Turks will react when the SAA begins their assault... However there has been some speculation that with the Turks sitting down with the Russians in recent talks that the Turks will not assist the "rebels" in any way to try to stop the SAA advance in Idlib.....The only puzzling aspect that I have read in recent days is how some towns and villages in the Idlib pocket are now calling for a "Turkish mandate" for unification with Turkey itself as well as Turkish President Erdogan calling for 'expanded' operations by Turkish forces within Syria itself.... It does make one wonder what the Turks are indeed up to and what the eventual outcome in the battle for Idlib will be?I found some reports interesting in regards to the future of the SDF and the Kurdish forces that have illegally occupied the territory on the northeastern bank of the Euphrates River.... We find reports that the SDF is negotiating a reconciliation agreement with the Assad government in Damascus as well as reports that the SDF forces are willing to fight alongside the SAA for the liberation of the Idlib pocket.... Those news reports are the good news indeed.. .However, we find other reports that the US is once again expanding their operations in that region as well as building even more ILLEGAL 'air bases" that are in clear violation of sovereign Syrian territory and shows once again that the US has indeed invaded that sovereign state.... IMHO, the US is not going to leave Syria at all, as their plan for the occupation and dismemberment of that nation is still in full force, AND the US is indeed going to keep their bases as both a means of facilitating their evil plans to carve out a Kurdish state in the region and to have those forces in place for their eventual "war" against Iran..... It may still come down to a shooting war between the Syrians/Russians against these invaders just to liberate that region and to make Syria whole again.....Penny over at Penny for your Thoughts, and others in the real truth movement, have been wathcing the situation in Turkey as it unfolds, where its economy has been in a tail spin as their monetary unit. the Lira, has been falling like a stone. This financial collapse in Turky is a planned operation, as the US has been against  President Erdogan's recent talks with Russia, as well as Turkey's recent report that they were willing to get away from the US/European sphere of monetary control and wanting to join the "BRICS" initiative..... Apparently the Jew controlled Rothschild criminal empire does not like to see one of their slave nations, Turkey, suddenly want to be fee of their grip, and has now been hard at work imploding the Turkish Lira as well as threatening to destroy Turkey economically by forcing that nation to accept one of their tried and truly destructive "IMF bailouts".... We shall see very shortly if Turkey continues to accept their Jew money enslavement or has the guts to break free and seek a better approach through Russia and of course China, who both have come forward and offered Turkey financial assistance... I hope that people do remember what recently happened in Greece, as that nation was being blackmailed by the EU and of course the criminal Jew run IMF into accepting a "bail out" that still to this day has destroyed that nation and left it enslaved to Rothschild Usury, while a better alternative was offered by the Russians to free that nation from that scourge.... Turkey should indeed look at what happened in neighboring Greece and seek a better alternative for the nation and its people...As I stated in my last rant, I am not going to fall for this "Alex Jones" bullshit of being "censored", for I see it as nothing more than a twisted game by the Jewish pricks behind our so called 'social media" and Internet sites to give that prick traction.... And lo and behold, I was right, for since Jones' "banishment" and "censorship" his readership and his visibility has increased tremendously to the point that he has become almost a household name across America..... This has all been by design, as I and others are not fooled by that buffoon and his ramblings and continue to see him as nothing more than controlled opposition.... The man has been a consummate liar for decades who absolutely does as his Jewish masters and controllers demand of him.... He has never ever fingered the Jewish pricks as the ones responsible for all of the troubles that the world sees today, and instead continues to scream that it is the "Globalists" and an assortment of others that bear responsibility.... The bottom line is Alex Jones is out there to ruin the real truth movement and to keep people looking in the wrong directions for who is to blame.... And this recent game of having his sites "censored" is part of the Jews' game, and sadly so many people are being played as suckers... Do not be fooled and as I have said so many times, avoid his crapola site "Infowars" by all means necessary..Well, I have spewed enough for the moment... And of course there are dozens of other key issues that I have missed in this report..err.. rant, and I will try to cover as many of those right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"........I wish that people would have over this idea that Hillary "Killary" Clinton is about to be arrested for her horrific long list of crimes against humanity.  US President Drumpf is not going to have that bitch arrested for she knows way too much and knows where all of the bodies and victims of US atrocities are buried. If that bitch was arrested, she could sing like a canary and the entire US govenment could come crashing down..... And about President Drumpf, I am sick of those who continue to support that criminal.  I read recent reports about how he was deeply involved with so many sickos such as the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and how he has a rap sheet miles long.  It is through those skeletons in the closet that the Jewish pricks control Drumpf and he will do exactly what his Jewish masters always demand....... I see that the vilification of Iran is still continuing via the Jew spew media, as the US government continues to massage and brainwash the sheep in America towards supporting a war against that innocent nation.  And yes, that war is definitely coming as the Jewish pricks want Iran destroyed to make room for total Israeli hegemony over the entire Middle East..........And speaking of Israel, I see continuing reports about how the psychos in the IDF continue to indiscriminately shoot and murder Palestinians, while the world continues to turn a blind eye to this slaughter.  It sickens me that people still do not get it?  And how the psychos in Israel are still hell bent on having all of Palestine for their greedy and selfish selves while working overtime in having the Palestinians themselves left out of the equation.......I see the criminals in the US TSA are now rolling out "body scanners" in US subway systems, to go after non-existent "terrorists".  I knew this was coming, for the US Jew spew media has done their work well in scaring the American sheep with the bullshit notion that "terrorists are out to get you" and that propaganda has done its work well.  It will come to a time where everyone will have to be subjected to this type of personal invasion when anyone travels across what used to be a free nation called the US..........Interesting report here in Canada states that the criminal Trudeau government is going to ram through its Carbon tax fleecing of the Canuckleheads even if Provinces refuse to force that fleecing on their own citizens by the end of this year.  Yes, Justin Trudeau is hell bent on raping and pillaging the citizens of this once free nation through this Carbon tax fraud and sadly most Canuckleheads are still too stupid to realize that it is all a scam!........I see the American sheep are truly sick and tired of the lies being pushed by their Jew spew media to the point now that Jew run CNN's "ratings" have it well below the History Channel and below shows like "Ancient Aliens".   I find this heartwarming, and hope the trend continues to the point that these fraud "news outlets" are destroyed and permanently.  Nobody likes a liar!.........It will be interesting to see where the investigation into the Genoa Bridge collapse goes, for the Italian government is indeed looking for a scapegoat to take the blame for their own stupidity in not managing their own finances and allowing proper money to be diverted into infrastructure maintenance and upkeep.  Hopefully this will be a wake up call for all of the Italians that something is indeed not right in Italy!......... I have seen the reports where that psycho Jewish criminal behind "Facebook", Zuckerberg, has been going after internet suppliers and engines, claiming that internet 'neutrality' is a "problem". This SOB wants the entire Internet censored of course, and I say that this is a better reason to shut down "Facebook" permanently. That "social media" platform has to die, and the sooner the better...... I see that Arsenal has lost its first two matches against both Manchester City and the other day against Chelsea, making this the worst start for the Gunners in some 26 years.  It will take time for the new regime and the new coaching style to take hold, and I am not in a panic (yet).   The season is still 38 games long, and I am still crossing my fingers that the Gunners will turn around and will be near the top of the table by the end of the season......And finally, this week's take on skankville aka "Kardashian" hell.   Last week we had reports of queen skank, Kim, showing off her private parts (purposely of course) and this week we find the paparazzi going gaga about her showing off her body in Miami.  Yes, it shows what lypo-suction and other cosmetic surgeries can do to keep a two bit whore looking good for the cameras and to keep dumb ass Americans enthralled by this skank!   Yes, the lunatic asylum called "Kardashia" continues for another week to melt the minds of American sheep...More to comeNTS