New Video By The Amazing Polly: Never Appease A Tyrant!

I have been sickened by watching the idiots and morons out there doing the dumbest thing imaginable by "kneeling" for the stupidity of Black Lives Matter, which of course is nothing less than a COMMUNIST insurgency that is funded of course by George Soros,  and has been funnelling their "funds" collected by morons out there directly into the Communist aka Democratic Party in America for the aim of the destruction of the American republic...But I am equally sickened by this "racism" that seems to cause people to lose their own common sense... Many out there are still not even aware that the term "racism" was an invention of the Jewish criminals back in the late 19th century for the control of the Gentiles... And these same criminals are right now using this bullshit of "racism" as their means of turning the blacks out there into the weapons they want to use to destroy the white race!  Well, I do want to present the following very important video from Amazing Polly, from southern Ontario, that takes shots at the "riots" and "racism" that we are all witnessing right now across the world... This one is entitled: "Never Appease A Tyrant" and is a must see by everyone... Here is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I absolutely agree with Polly on this one... There should never ever be "appeasement" with those who seek to overthrow societies and turn our nations into what are actually Communist dictatorships...I was asked just the other day by a commentator to this blog about my thoughts in regards to the situation in Seattle.... I look at the "Antifa" occupation of Seattle as a direct Communist revolutionary insurgency in the continental United States and the US government has ever right to call up the National Guard and the Army if necessary to go into Seattle and clear up that mess.... Antifa is a criminal group seeking the overthrow of the United States and therefore the good people of the United States have every right to arm themselves against that criminal group that rightfully should be called "terrorists"...  They must be challenged everywhere, and the American public must arm themselves against these criminals in what ever city or town they suddenly show up in......The facts are that every one of these major riots and insurgencies happening right now in the US are ALL in cities and states controlled by Communist aka "Democratic" leadership, and in each case they are fully supported by the Democratic Mayors or Governors for those states.... These state or city leaders are nothing but criminals and they themselves should be in jail for attempting the overthrow of the United States itself....And do not get me started about how the "Liberal" Jewish controlled media is being used to help fuel the hate and the riots... Those bastards in those media outlets should all be arrested for treason and should be all put in jail for their constant incitement of the violence.....I will not pull any punches here, for I see that bullshit of Black Lives Matter for what it really is... They have been inciting so much violence across America and the people of the US need to finally say enough and remove their threat against the republic now,  and by force if necessary....And about the stupidity of "kneeling"... I find that so revolting and absolutely unnecessary... We should not even bother with 'appeasement',  for these criminals are indeed tyrants and will never seek "appeasement" but the overthrow of nations....   Polly is right that we have to use force to stop these bullies, period.....More to comeNTS