MSM Disinfo Machine- from Iraq’s WMD to the Turkey Coup Attempt: Confront MSNBC & NBC

Join this Newsbud Call to Action presentation with Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras exposing MSNBC-NBC-Pentagon joint disinformation operation during the critical early hours of the Turkey Coup Attempt. We have the documentation and timeline illustrating the implementation of psychological warfare tactics packaged by the Pentagon, and brought to you and marketed by US media outlets. See it for yourself, and join us in this call to action to expose and confront MSNBC and NBC operatives. What can we do? Plenty! Together we are not as powerless as they want us to feel.
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  • Set the trend: 1000s of voices cannot be ignored.
  • Demand explanation from MSNBC and NBC, and Kyle X Griffin.
  • Make our demands go viral!
  • Share this video clip all over social media- Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.
  • Tweet and re-tweet using the hashtags #ConfrontNBC & #Confront MSNBC

Show Notes
YouTube (Video)- Sibel Edmonds Dissects the Turkey Coup Attempt: A CIA-Gulen Concocted Dry Run
Daily Beast: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Location Is Unknown
National Review: BREAKING- Military Coup in Turkey
MSNBC Kyle Griffin’s Twitter Page