Mob goes after Senator Rand Paul & the media provides cover for mob

Via Breitbart (…
On Friday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife Kelley Paul discussed their confrontation with an angry mob protesting outside the White House in Washington, D.C. following the completion of the Republican National Convention.
Kelley Paul recounted the emotions of that experience, saying she felt protesters endangered her life.
“It was absolutely terrifying,” she said. “I have never experienced anything like that in my life. I hope no one else ever has to. We felt completely powerless. Before some of the video that I think you have shown where the police with the bikes were kind of creating a moving barricade for us. In the minutes before the police with the bikes showed up, we were completely encircled and surrounded, pressed up against two cops who — we were surrounded by people who were screaming in our faces, yelling that they were going to F us up, screaming, ‘Say her name.’”
