Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahJust like Donnie Mental Case, Al Capone, his family, and his associates constantly whined about law enforcement spies and a bias from the FBI and the IRS. It was his excuse for much of the abuse he saw directed his way. Also, like Trump, Capone was one of the most lawless individuals this country has ever had to suffer. Fortunately, he didn't personally go into politics. He just bought politicians with mobster money, American and Sicilian mob money, not Russian. Through the lens of today's world, it's easy to see that if Capone had run for national office, he would have held local circus-styled rallies and been enthusiastically supported by certain elements of the day's society.It's a good thing there wasn't a FOX "News" channel to promote Capone around the clock back in the day either.By the time, Capone died, doctors had concluded that his mentality was equal to that of a 12 year old. In Capone's case, syphilis was the know cause. In Trump's case, it is only suspected, but for good reason.