Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt is often said that if you want to know where a child got their stupidity from just have a look at the parents. It's the old "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" adage. That adage is certainly true when it comes to the apple of the president's eye, Ivanka Trump. Sorry Eric, Donnie Jr. and Junior Psycho Baron, but your dad really does love your sister more. Maybe it's 'cause she's considered "the smart one" compared to whatever single digit IQs each of you have or maybe it's for other oft-speculated reasons but, even if she is the smart one, please don't ever let her drive a car or operate any power tools. Hell, I'd hate to even watch her try to navigate an automatic doorway.Apparently, Ivanka is not even up to the low bar that her daddy has set when it comes to the twitter machine. That much was evidenced a few days ago when she launched the tweet that serves as tonight's meme into the twittersphere. On the surface, Ivanka's little tweet might seem effective if the sender and the receiver are both simpletons, but, if Ivanka had even a tiny amount of intellect, she would have researched the context of the Thomas Jefferson quote she used. She doesn't and she didn't so it backfired on her bigly. Sad.Ivanka thought she'd both score points with daddy and give his followers an easy defense talking point, but, as they say, context is everything. The context is this: It turns out that when Thomas Jefferson was complaining to his daughter Martha about his political enemies, it was all about his multiple assignations with his slaves and the children he had fathered with them. So you see, Ivanka, here's another adage: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. That's not to say that your cretinous dad has any kids we don't know about, yet, but, well, we know he'd love to have some slaves. Oh wait, he does. Lindsey Graham is one. Then there's the newbie Matt "Flor-i-duh Man" Gaetz, and, of course, the whole republican side of the aisle in both the House and the $enate.Ivanka's mindless tweet evoked some great responses. Here are a few of them. The first comes from the husband of Kellyanne Conway:

• George Conway (gtconway3rd) - Inventing facts? Have you met your father?• Ryan Knight (@Proud Resister) - "When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant." - Thomas Jefferson Your father is a tyrant.• Rachel Joy Larris (@RachelLarris) - It's interesting Ivanka picked this example because the thing Jefferson's enemies were accusing him of, fathering a child with a slave was absolutely something he did. 6 times as a matter of fact. Jefferson being called out for something he actually did.• John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) - You're delusional. Our founding fathers would have put your daddy in the stockades three years ago.