Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRemember when Putin's Fist Puppet said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue, shoot someone dead in broad daylight, and his brainwashed followers would still love him and do nothing about it? Well, apparently, the Democrats in the House and $enate aren't much different when it comes to law enforcement. What a surprise.It seems that crimes aren't crimes if you're a member of Club Washington. That's no surprise either. Time after time after time, Trump's wise guys and made men and women have ignored lawful subpoenas issued by wimpy, deliberately toothless dog and pony show House committees, refusing to testify before the committees run by Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. Virtually all of those summoned don't even come in to take the fifth and they are allowed to get away with it. Hope Hicks, Trump's Communications Director, seen in tonight's meme, came in but was allowed to stonewall with impunity.Until all of Trump's team and enablers, including those such as the Moscow owned Mitch McConnell and his $enate deputies are locked away for the rest of their days, all this talk of impeachment is just talk. It is an insincere, orchestrated made for TV and made for fundraising farce. People went to jail (unfortunately for ridiculously short periods or time) for their roles in covering up or participating in the Watergate burglary. Susan McDougal, also depicted in tonight's meme went to jail for refusing to testify before a grand jury during the investigation of the Clinton/Whitewater case. But, if a Club Washington member sells out the United States Of America... well, that's just fine and dandy. That's obviously how they see it in Washington. Fuck this parade of assholes!Trump's team makes a point of very publicly pissing on the Constitution and our legal system. The result to date is that there are no consequences at all other than to make this country a country of no laws. The people at the top set the tone so we can expect our entire American society to turn into something far worse than lawless Tombstone or Dodge City very soon, all because the Hou$e and $enate are abdicating their oaths and responsibilities. Pardoning Nixon was bad enough. He was allowed to get away with his crimes, sending a message to all Americans. This will be worse, far worse. Congressional committees have the right, the ability, and the duty to jail people for contempt of Congress but instead Congress shows its contempt for us by not doing so. Hope Hicks is just one of dozens if not what will soon be hundreds of Trump gang members who should already be wearing an orange jumpsuit, but, no, instead she is walking free, allowed to be walking free as a living mockery of our so-called justice system.