Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFrom the first few days of his administration, when Trump invited the Russian spy chief and his entourage into the Oval Office and handed them top secret Israeli information, it was clear where Trump's allegiances reside. Even before that, he felt that he could ask Russia for his opponent's emails and they would oblige because, well, why wouldn't they help out a friend and business partner? "It's just business." Vladimir Putin said as much in Helsinki which is where, not coincidentally, Trump sided with his buddy Putin over the entire United States intelligence apparatus; after a very private meeting with no American witnesses of course. Hush hush meetings have also been held the heads of other adversaries, too, including the heads of North Korea and China. Never forget that every thing Trump does is transactional. Obviously, things were said and deals were probably at least brought up, or else the usual recordings and/or transcripts would have been made public. There can be only one reason why they haven't and that is that Trump has something very bad, and probably very detrimental to our country, to hide. It's not at all unlike the facts that Trump refuses to show his taxes and blocks his wise guys and made men from testifying before congress, yet people believe Trump when he says a transcript will be provided.Now, Trump has apparently pressured the government of Ukraine to deliver help in defeating former Vice President Joe Biden. He was allowed to get away similar things by the spineless democrats before, so why wouldn't he be emboldened more than enough to do something similar again? That's how criminal minds and the minds of small children work.Trump doesn't even have to have offered a quid quo pro in the phone conversation. The quid pro quo of some form of aid hung over the conversation like a giant water balloon of urine just like Trump's offer of removing the sanctions on Russia did. It didn't have to be spoken. That's how mobsters communicate. The media and the lawyers will parse it all of course. That's their role in protecting the vermin of society. In return, the reporters maintain their contacts, ie, place at the table. And the gravy train of advertising money, influence money, out right bribes, etc., just keeps on rolling along. We live in a farce run by briefcase-carrying clowns in suits and ties.Breaches of national security take all sorts of forms. There's doing nothing about climate change. There's sabotaging the education systems. There's taking money from the military to build a stupid and pointless wall. There's pollution of our water and air for fun and profit, and so much more. So much of this sort of thing has gone on before but never to this nihilistic extent. The current corruption is a Tsunami, irrevocably destroying the legal system that maintains our society and literally smothering us and poisoning us. Soon, everything we have known and every thing that has nurtured this country will be gone with the wind.Our so-called leaders do nothing. After all, the perpetuation of evil for cash in pocket is their biggest and most prized product. They look at secret meetings between Trump and foreign leaders that will happily hack our voting machines and flip vote counts for Trump the second they can, and they shrug. The republicans do this with a smirk or a laugh. The democrats do it with a frown. It's the Comedy and Tragedy duality of life in Washington. It's so ludicrous now. How ludicrous is it? Just think of this Washington "reasoning" the next time and every damn time another Russia deal, secret get together with North Korea's nutjob dictator (Trump's loveletter penpal), or mysterious phone call to Ukraine or somewhere else happens: Our so-called republican representatives are all for the treachery and treason. That's their brand now and has been for a while. Our so-called Democratic Party representatives in Washington? They don't want to impeach Trump for his illicit actions with foreigners designed to assure him winning re-election because they fear impeaching him might help him win re-election.