Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahLadies and Gentlemen! Texas state legislator Tony Tinderholt. When I happen upon clowns like this guy, I just have to share them with you. He's a real winner even if his bill (see the meme) is, for now, on hold.OK. This one is almost too easy. After all, the guy in this meme is from Texas, arguably our most insane nut state, the state that has already graced us with the uber-pompously arrogant "Ted" Cruz, the braincell-challenged Louie Gohmert, Dubya, and a sad, sad history of an endless parade of chimps, assholes, and morons that have marched forth to plague America. It's not that Texas stands alone in such things (South Carolina and Alabama leap to mind), it's just that their per capita ratio of shithole politicians to decent human beings is so damn high. Remember Rep. Steve Stockman? Before he got sentenced to 10 years in the federal pen, he rode around in a care with a bumper sticker that read "If babies had guns, they wouldn't be aborted." This in a country where hardly a month goes by when we don't hear of a baby with a gun accidentally shooting a family member or itself. I guess Tony Tinderholt aims to replace Stockman in the pantheon of Texas wackjobs; after all, in Texas, for every loon that leaves the scene there are 20 more in line to replace him. What is it about Texas? Is it the blazing hot sun? Inbreeding? Snake-handling churches? Buy-Bull-ridden schools? Who knows? It just is.Now, before you go thinking that I am being extreme and somewhat unfair, let me say that I know that not all Texans vote for these wackos. It's just the majority of Texas voters do. Oh, and remember when Texas Gov. Abbott gave creedence to the Republican conspiracy idea that President Obama was launching an invasion called Operation Jade Helm of not only his state but a few of the neighboring states as well? It was all about Obama supposedly planning to take their guns away, establish dictatorial Marshall Law and, one can only assume, also set up forced conversion to Islam, forced conversion to homosexuality, and veganism.Poor Tony Tinderholt. He argues against abortion yet his whole being presents an argument FOR abortion, or, at least vasectomies. He reminds me of a joke about what do you get when you cross a heffer with a Texan (Answer: You get a Texan), not that I would ever use a person's hypocrisy, lack of intelligence, lunatic eyes, and/or physical appearance (Uncle Fester) to express my contempt but, hey, ol' TT just happens to be a perfect representation of typically syphilitic Republican thinking. As you ponder this guy, don't forget that 5, count 'em 5, Texas women felt that Tony was fine husband material. 5! No word as to whether or not they were consecutive wives or not.