Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWe shouldn't be at all surprised that $enator Lindsey Graham has gone completely over to the dark side. He's a Republican. He's from South Carolina. He's got his anti-America "heritage" to protect. If he was alive during the Civil War, we know right where he'd be standing. If it was the 1770s, he'd have his lips firmly attached to crazy King George's ass. So now it's Donnie Trump's fat ass; like no one could have ever see that one coming.Graham is now going on and on about "bureaucratic coups" and he's defending a madman's madness. In so doing, Graham is showing his own mental instability and worse, but this is what the people of South Carolina voted for. No wonder so many of them want to secede again. Nothing like showing your true colors, Lindsey. You're all in with Putin's boy. What a surprise. How does Russian spoken with a South Carolina accent sound anyway?Lindsey Graham was no doubt born an asshole. We've always known what he is. He's such a bad case. But the late John McCain, as bad as he could be, somehow kept Graham from fully exposing himself. Now that McCain is gone, though, Graham is fully untethered and feeling free to be his true treasonous self by trying to run interference for his pal Donnie. Now that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has revealed that some in our nation's intelligence community whispered about the possibility of Trump being removed out of necessity, via the 25th Amendment, Graham isn't worried about what would lead them to even think about it. He's only concerned that they had enough concern for America discuss it. To Graham, such people are the enemy.Instead of removing an obvious threat to America and the world, Graham wants to shut that 25th Amendment talk down with a farcical duplicitous Senate investigation. Be careful what you wish for Lindsey. All your defense of Trump's mental illness will only publicize it, not that anyone will do anything about it. Call the intel people in for your dog and pony show. Manure on the floors of the Senate for all! Be the next Trey Gowdy or Devin Nunes, Lindsey. Flaunt your ego. I bet you're home right now, practicing your pathetically phony diatribes in front your life size portrait of Jefferson Davis in his underwear.Lindsey, those statues of you that you dream about won't even be erected, let alone torn down. But sure, talk and talk some more, Lindsey. Hire that 24 hour make up team, Lindsey. Keep on running for every camera you see, Lindsey. Out Rudy Rudy, Lindsey. The sooner you wear out your welcome the better. The political slag heap awaits you! Keep pretending that you didn't previously know what McCabe was talking about. You knew, you had to have known, but you kept quiet. You've always been among the top of the list of the complicit. Go ahead. Be your own ringmaster. Show more people just what a complete stale flatulent joke of a humanoid you are.