Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMeet the new face of the Republican Party! No, it's not Uncle Fester; this is West Virginia (say no more!) Republican state legislator Eric Porterfield, a rising new star in Republican Party politics. Please, no jokes about inbreeding in them thar hills (I'll get to that). Why is Porterfield being so well thought of in the world of Trumpian politics? Well I'm so glad you asked! First of all, he's a God-fearing, gay-hating "Christian" minister who has overcome his physical blindness to become the leader of his own Blind Faith Ministries. His mental blindness is a whole different matter, but hey, he knows what Republican voters like and why they elected him.Fester, er, a, Porterfield's reputation in the Republican community is rising because like virtually all "Christians" and Republicans, he goes all out in playing the "I'm so abused" and "I'm being victimized" cards. He recently used the slur "faggot" in a committee session and says gays are a "terrorist group" and says he's being "persecuted." It seems that the LGBTQ community make the MAGA hat-wearing legislator so... well... uncomfortable. "I'm terrified of these people. They represent a socialist activist agenda." Last Wednesday, which was also known as "All kinds are welcome" day in the state. Porterfield claimed that "The LGBTQ is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan." Funny thing about that one is that you would think most Republicans might think he's paying the LGBTQ folks in West Virginia a compliment and get all angry with him.What set Porterfield off into such a tizzy? Easy, Democrats in the state legislature introduced a bill to ban discrimination against gay people. He feels the ban would be an affront to "religious liberty" and he's determined to preserve his right to be a bigot. Democrats feel the bill is necessary because some municipalities in the state have recently passed ordinances that grant permission to discriminate against LGBTQ people.As of this writing, Porterfield has not been censured or removed from any committees. Don't hold your breath waiting. Hell, his party leadership probably sees him as presidential or at least cabinet level material by now. Two days ago, I posted about Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker and i wondered where Trump finds such freaks, listing several by name. Looking at pictures of Whitaker and Porterfield side by side, one can't help but wonder if they are brothers from the same sister and if Porterfield is in line for a "Supreme" Court nomination or perhaps a new position as secretary of a newly created Department of What Would Republican Jesus Do.