Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOne of the things that irritated me about President Obama was that he always played too nice. He has that civility gene that I have little time for, especially in times like these. When, in 2016, he followed dumbass Washington protocol and notified Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of intelligence findings that Russia was meddling with our supposedly cherished democratic process of election, McConnell buried the info. No hearings. No emergency actions. Not even a press statement. All McConnell did was smirk his Mitch the Treason Turtle smirk and go count how much laundered Russian money he and his Republican fellow travelers were raking in from the NRA. If this were a 1940s movie, you'd see the scene where McConnell receives the top secret file and tosses it into his fireplace. What did Obama do in response? Nothing. It might as well have been Obama's Neville Chamberlain moment.And here we are: McConnell not only assisted Putin in getting the president both he and Putin wished for; now he is conducting the shutdown his Manchurian president proudly composed. We now have a president who has the double whammy of being both mentally ill and being an obvious Russian asset. While everyone is talking about the president, there isn't much talk about McConnell and his nest of fellow assets. Every single one of them who took the laundered Russian money and acted and still acts according to Vladimir Putin's wishes to destabilize America further into a dysfunctional mess would go on trial in that same 1940s movie I mentioned. I even see a wall, a wall for a firing squad. But that's only a movie.