Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA president walks into a church... Aw, forget the jokes. The president is the joke, the gift that keeps on giving, kinda like gonorrhea.When Daddy Bush finally did the world a favor and croaked, there was some speculation as to whether or not Traitor Don would be asked to stay away from his funeral like he had been asked to stay away from Barbara Bush's. Imagine how repulsive to the core you have to be to be too toxic for a Bush funeral. This time, he was invited anyway. Such are the ways of Washington. They put up facades of respect, if only for each other.But enough of the Bushes. That has been and will be for another day.Little Donnie Trumpanzee wanted to make Daddy Bush's passing all about Little Donnie, and he did. The result has been so many viral memes that I hardly know what to do with them all, so, yeah, I'll play. It's worth it. A picture and a few words or so to tell the story of one of the most vile and venal "things" ever to crawl out of a womb. Tonight's Trump/Bush funeral meme is just the first. Trump couldn't even bring himself to recite words and prayers printed out and handed to him. He either damn well knew that that would focus the attention on himself or just decided that, if the attention wasn't going to be focused on him, he would just sit and sulk in silence. He didn't even try to half-heartedly fake it like he does with singing the National Anthem and God Bless America.Christians profess to love God and Jesus and all that, but what today's Christians and today's Republicans crave is Trumpism and all its evils. Beware of false prophets.