Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt took 60 years but the Russians finally got their inside man in Manchurian President Trump. They cultivated him for years. He was only the best man that rubles could buy but, with the help of his Republican Party, that has been more than enough. Back in the early 1950s Republikooks like Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy thought the State Department was full of pro-Russian assets, agents and sympathizers. Now, it's the White House and Congress, and for real. In the White House and in Congress red doesn't just mean Republican. Ask Dana Rohrabacher, Devin Nunes, Mitch McConnell or any of them.A personal note: The quote in tonight's meme was reported by David Brinkley on the NBC Nightly News the night of Nikita Khrushchev's infamous speech. Years later, while interning for Brinkley, I was able to ask him about Khrushchev and his successor Leonid Brezhnev. He looked at me and, emphasizing the word never, said "No matter who's in charge there, the Russians will never stop trying to topple us. We change leaders much more often than they do. Pray we always have leaders who stand up to them."