Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMelania really doesn't care, does she. But, don't worry, Melania's wearing of a hated symbol of the good old days of sadistic, exploitive European colonial rule is sure to be a big hit with her "husband" and the rest of the White Nationalist crowd back at the big White Plantation House on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Maybe Republicans will be adopting these hats as a new fashion, with a new slogan. I can see it now: Make The World White Again! That's what they always meant anyway.Meanwhile, may I suggest that some African officials paint "Be Best" on a hungry 25 foot African Python, drape it over her shoulders, and leave the building? Yeah, I know those officials are better than her, better than me, too, at least when it comes to diplomacy bullshit. So, it will never happen. My python idea is only the stuff of James Bond films anyway. So, we will just have to brace ourselves for that time in the near future when Melania shows up in Birmingham, Alabama on Martin Luther King Day to commemorate the horrible bombing that killed those little girls. She will be wearing a Confederate soldier's uniform. And Republicans will cheer. It's all about heritage, you know.