Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere are more than a few memes that make points similar to tonight's. There's one comparing Trumpanzee's admitted pussy grabbing to the now out of work, persona non-grata Harvey Weinstein. There are also Trump-Cosby memes but I chose this one just to illustrate that the difference in how the two parties deal with such issues go way back to a time before Señor Trumpanzee's brand of sleaze and slime coated the walls of the White House. House Republicans even started the impeachment of Bill Clinton rolling before they even knew anything about Monica's dress. And, of course, just this week, the state of New York's Democratic Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, was rightly gone a mere two and a half hours after allegations were made. If he'd been a Republican, say in Alabama, or any other state for that matter, his party would be endorsing him for Senator right about now. Hell, enough precedent exists to indicate that Republicans would consider Schneiderman presidential material.