Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIn Trump They Trust! Or, what does a death wish look like? You can find examples of idiots and fools declining to wear a mask anywhere, but burning them? That takes a special kind of stupid and inconsideration, especially when you could send them to a hospital or senior center. But, hey, that's Repugs for ya. It's all about being a sociopath at every opportunity.The photo for this meme was taken in Boise, Idaho but it could be anywhere that groups of Trumpies congregate. It could be outside Moscow Mitch's house. It could happen in the White House Rose Garden. It could be anywhere in Flor-i-duh. It could be Jim Jordan's house. No, wait. He's never owned a mask, but I bet his parents burned Beatles albums! One thing's for sure, this country is in grave danger due to such protesters and anarchists! Call them NLM for No Lives Matter.I will say, though, that the Corona Beer carton is a nice ironic touch. I'm guessing that they poured the beer out on the ground thinking it would give them the virus. Then they drank a nice tall, cool glass of leaded water instead. Way to go, Boise! What's next on your schedule? Russian Roulette Night at the Elks Club?