Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFrom: The Bigly Book of Unintended Consequences!Yes folks, Trump and his toady William "Kneepads" Barr thought they were so smart to erect a "bonus wall" between themselves and America. So what happened? The new wall, which, by the way, we paid for, became a memorial to the very people the White House cultists despise. That's yet another example of the "stable genius" of the Mad Republican King and his team. At this point, if you got six people to stand outside Moscow Mitch's house chanting "Black Lives Matter," he'd put up a new bigly fence, too. So go ahead Mitchy. Make our day!By the time you read this, all of those heartfelt signs and homemade posters that served as a remembrance will have been taken down. Apparently, the Trumpanzee wanted to have the military remove them with flamethrowers. Nice. Personally, I'd rather see Trumpanzee try to do that himself. Maybe there'd be a horrible accident. I bet Lindsey Graham would go with him and eagerly volunteer to hold the hose just to make sure everything worked out a-ok.Fear not though, we'll always have the photos. Ideally, they would go to the Smithsonian for future exhibits on Republican bigotry. Until then, If you ever feel the need to piss off any republican you have the misfortune to know, just email them a picture of this memorial wall and do it every day until they block you. Then you can just call them on your phone and scream "Black Lives Matter" in their ear! Nothing pisses off a Republican more than those three words. Well, maybe a picture of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee does.Addendum:As it turns out, the Smithsonian is currently taking steps to document, collect and preserve some of the signs and posters that anti-racism protesters affixed to the barricade that Trump had built to protect him from us. They will be currated by the Smithsonian's Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC.We can now expect angry tweets from Trump and demands from Republican congresscretins to cut funding for the museum.